(H) <Ready Check> Semi Hardcore - Shazzrah

So we are Ready Check a guild to be formed on the Shazzrah PVP server for when classic hits. We consist of members dating back to Vanilla/TBC so experience is in abundance with our members and we look to aim for solid progression through the classic content.

We will be Semi-Hardcore raiding 2-3 days a week depending on peoples preferences… either Monday and Wednesday, or Monday and Thursday

or all 3 depending if people want to progress further if we are downing bosses in good time and want to continue

No class/spec choices are locked as such yet, meaning feel free to create whatever character you would like, and what spec you would like.

If you would like to join our Discord and have any questions you need answering by all means join us at discord.gg/r5ahG9 and get to know the other fellow guildies :slight_smile:


Looking forward to leveling with Ready Check so that we can start that raiding progression! :grin:


Great community, great guild Leader and people in there (a lot of nationalities), the stresstest with yall was a blast. Looking forward to join you guys again <3


Relaxed set of folk during the stress test, it will be great to level and raid with you all! /rc !


so glad i joined you guys, i cant wait to experience classic content especially raiding and PVP… lets have a “Ready Check” !!!


Hey guys! what to say, what to say?

I am really glad to find this amazing guild and community within… so helpfull and fun all the time, stresstest was a great expierience with you all… Can’t wait to dominate Azeroth with this guild. FOR THE HORDE!

Cheers to the Guildleader for making this possible and putting time and effort into Discord and setting up the important stuff.

For the Hardcore PvPers out there! We are here for you aswell. Don’t feel left out or frightened we love to do do PvP scenery aswell as whatever suits the players that are online anytime! Cheers and see you on the 27th!

I myself am very dedicated to get the pvp side going with a bunch of other people so feel free to join if you are into PvP aswell!

Best Regards Serza! FOR THE HORDE!


Will be there with my Undead Warlock ;>


Bump back up the list

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Yeah, alot of applications and forum posts so we need to stay up there hehe

bumping this back up again :slight_smile:

Hello I would like to join!! :smiley: Sounds fun
Battle net : Vardazz#2847

This sounds like it could be the guild for me :blush:
If you’d like to have a chat with me my bnet is Snow#23457

Hey guys, I’d like to join you too. Do you have any requirements?

BTW the discord inv seems to be expired. My battle net is Smeck#1310


added all 3 of you to bnet, although this is the new link :slight_smile:

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