[H] <Recurve> - Semi-Hardcore PvE and PvP

Recurve was one of the first Guilds to set their foot on Razorgore. Together we were among the first to clear Molten Core and Onyxia and we are currently farming the content with two Raid groups.

We are a laidback Guild who has its focus on PvE, but also PvP with the release of Phase 2 and forward. We consist of serious Raiders, more casual Raiders and also Socials who just want a place among others.

Raiding days & time:
Wednesday 20-23:00 Server Time
Sunday 20-23:00 Server Time

As of today we are currently recruiting:
(We are also accepting Socials and Stand-by Raiders)

Stand-by Raiders

Contact in-game:

Contact Discord:
Jay | Asurah#5182
Tzaeguk |Tzaeguk#8378
Kamper |Kamper#5312

bump, now recruiting Feral tank and DPS warrior

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