[H] Redefine-Kazzak now recruiting!

Who are we?

Redefine is a newly formed guild, forged together by old allegiances. The officer core has experienced multiple Cutting Edge’s, some as high as Top 100. We returned to the game and hope to use our experience of leading, to form a 2 day raiding team which will push Cutting Edge each tier.

Raid Schedule

We will currently raid Thursdays 20:00-23:00 and once we have enough numbers for mythic, we will also add Monday 20:00-23:00. We believe this will be in 1-2 weeks.


We are currently open to recruiting all classes. We do not demand or expect alts to be maintained, but welcome of course. Enjoy what your play and lets have some fun! If you are interested in joining us, please apply on Raiderio or forms.gle/xQBceJ6iX3G2Qcto6

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