History of RoV
Remnants of Valhalla is a guild formed by experienced wow-players who’ve been playing together since vanilla / tbc, with more players tagging along trough the expansions. We played on the server Vek’nilash where we were in the top 3 progress guilds. The guild has been raiding since Cataclysm (break during MoP due to irl of the leadership). In the last couple of expansion we did fairly well for a non-mythic focussed guild. We’ve always cleared full heroic of every raid tier and most of the time, around half of the mythic bosses. With the next expansion incomming, we decided to return to our horde roots on the connected realms of Dragonmaw / Spinebreaker / Haomarush / Vashj / Stormreaver.
RoV is a casual but slightly progress based raiding guild with a close-knit group of friends. Our focus will be on raiding in a relaxed and fun environment while keeping focus high in order to get those bosses down. Our main priority is to have a nice time after a hard day of work. We are a 2-day raiding guild with some side events when we feel like it (farming gear, achievement runs, m+ spam, old raids,…). We’re a guild open for those friendly, slightly more casual players that just want to enjoy the game while also clearing the raids.
Current progress:
2/9M BoD
2/2HC CoS
We are not running with strict guildrules as we don’t want that playing this game feels like a chore. That being said, we do expect ppl to follow the ‘usual’ guildrules, such as proper behaviour, being on time when you sign up for events, be prepared,… We do not react very well on ‘slackers’.
Our raid days:
Wednesday 20.00 - 23.00 Sunday 20.00 - 23.00
Recruitment open for:
Ranged DPS: mage, warlock, hunter, boomkin, shadow priest
Melee: DK, hunter
Healers: Holydin or disc
What we do NOT want in our guild:
Elitist jerks
We will always make sure that we get to know a bit about the people joining us before accepting them into the guild, this as a matter of precaution, in both ways. Therefore we expect everyone that is interested in joining to make an application on our website/Discord and/or having an ingame chat with an officer. Also accepting players that just wanna do m+ and social players.
Does this sound like the guild for you? Feel free to apply at:
Discord: discord.gg/Yd4Tw2
Website: rov-guild.enjin. com/recruitment
Ingame chat: xarial#2863
Kind regards
RoV-officer team