Hello everyone,
I’m looking for a raiding guild who does 1-2 runs/week.
Willing to change faction/server.
I am currently Resto but willing to swap to what is needed.
I raided most of my time in WOTLK/Cata doing 4x4 hours and then took a long hiatus.
Would prefer raid times not in the weekend.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Russeteer#2936 is my Battletag. Would love to speak to you more about a newly founded Guild called The Village. We raid on THU & FRI, From 8 pm ST to 11 pm ST, /w me for more details 
hey add me on discord if u wanna have a chat DK-Reaper#8273 or check out our post here [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting
Thank you for the time you are gonna spend reading this and i hope you read all of it because there is information spread around throughout the whole post! You might see something that triggers your interest to give us a try!
About us:
A guild from a low-pop server that transferred to Draenor to raise it’s community! We have been around since 2006 on our old server! We have a core group of people that raid together and hang out in general and we want to get more people to come play with us and have fun! Everyone is welcome! The only requirement to join the guild, is to not be a bad person! There is no need to spoil someone’s game in any way, we are all here to play and have fun while doing it!
The guild stopped being active on BfA and we are now once again going active for Shadowlands!
Guild Goals:
- Build up the guild community! We want people to have fun playing the game!
- Build up a place for people to call “home”! A place that everyone logs in to play and have fun with the rest of the guild!
- Clearing Heroic every tier and trying our limits while having fun!
We value Real Life (we all have jobs/family/school stuff to attend to) so if you can’t make it to a raid it’s not a problem but we’d like to get informed in advance if you can’t make it to a raid.
Raiding days are: Tuesday-Thursday from 20:00 to 23:00 realm times.
Communication: We are using discord to communicate throughout the raids.
Loot: We are using the “rclootcouncil” addon currently to handle loot (it’s personal loot but the addon helps with distributing unwanted gear to others).
Everyone is welcome to come join us and hang around to have some fun playing!
People to reach out for more information/to join:
Akiiza - Akiza#21144
Jackrazor - xtrodinare#2690
Rècklèss - raxix#2702