My friend and I are looking for AOTC guild for 9.1 after coming back from a break. We are currently on Draenor EU horde. We are looking for a guild that ideally has a little community where everyone is open to playing with others.
We would like to raid 2 days a week with a minimum of AOTC progression that might do some light mythic - but not too hardcore as we value environment over progression.
We have a few requirements:
Must raid after 20:30 server time
No more than 2 raid days a week
Cannot raid on a Tues.
The time is the main factor for us joining a guild we cannot raid any earlier than 20:30.
A bit about us:
Resto shaman with OS ele (230ilvl) OR balance Druid (currently gearing)
BM hunter (225ilvl)
Up to date with legendaries and mythic +
The shaman is willing to play Elemental or balance Druid if a resto spot isn’t available but would prefer to heal.
We used to mythic raid before but since having breaks and kids and work we cannot commit to hardcore progression. We don’t really like the serious nature of CE progression and we cannot commit to this any more. We do our best at every single raid, have high performing logs and turn up on time ready to raid.
If you’d like to speak to me further please post your guild add below or your battlenet /discord details and I will add you.
Edit: updated balance Druid role