Hello! I just came back for 8.2 and i would love to get back into the raiding scene. I am looking for a friendly 2 days a week raiding guild (with raids around 20:00server time give or take) that recruit…something . Why something? Because i haven’t yet decided on a main. I have some characters that are lvl 120 and some that are on the way. All i am able to say is that i rly enjoy most characters (i hate DK, DH and druids no idea why. Would never play those). As a role, i love healing and enjoy being a DPS. So, we can discuss the guild needs and go from there.
Discord: i use it, log on during raid time, listen and follow the instructions but i do not talk unless i rly have to (like the mech guy fight from BOD). I am not social in that direction (or haven’t found a comunity to take me out of my safe zone).
Cya ingame and if not, have a great 8.2 experience.
For your other remarks that fall outside of the recruitment post: we already got several members that barely speak during raids, and just use raid or guild chat, which is completely fine.
As for spec, we are kind of sorted for healers, but have always room for extra dps. We are especially interested in a lock, but we are fine with anything really (well except druids but that shouldnt be a problem for you :p)
If everything sounds fine, just add me on bnet: Synx#2177