[H] Revenged - 5/9M - Recruiting DPS

Revenged is a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking for DPS to support our mythic raiding team! Currently recruiting both ranged and melee DPS for BoD.

Raid Schedule

All listed raid days from 19:45 - 23:00 server time

  • Thursday
  • Sunday
  • Tuesday


Knowledge of your class and current raid tactics.
We use discord for our raids for you to be able to listen to tactics or callouts and is mandatory. Our discord is also open for you to have a chat with guildies, play other games with guildies or anything else you want to get to know people.

You will be provided with a link with more information about our raids when you talk to one of the officers.

What can you expect

A friendly and professional raiding environment and the opportunity to become a member of the team.
Every raid tier we try to push ourselves are as far as we can.
We have an officer team that is supportive and will help you should you need it or have any questions.


RcLootCouncil is used if the chance presents it you do not need a certain item. The officers will decide where the item goes to based on certain factors. More information on our discord.

Currently recruiting ranged DPS for BoD . All other applications can also be considered and discussed.

  • Mage (high)
  • Balance Druid
  • Elemental Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Rogue

If you are interested in joining us or have any further questions please message us through battle-net or in game. We will take further contact from there.

Raid leader: Swatt#2644 - In game name: Swattson
Guild master: Devourer#2586 - In game name: Dévourer
Raid Officers: Rogi, Babuca-Nordrassil, Phantaminum, Chakalee

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