[H-RP] - THIS WEEK - Kosh'harg Festival, Fall 2020

Kosh'harg Festival, Fall 2020

The mild seasons of the year are coming to a close, but with the death of an Old God now behind the Horde - and the world as a whole - it remains a time of celebration despite the remorseless winter looming on the horizon. Though just as winter is guaranteed to come, so is it guaranteed to pass. The future is never easy to predict, but one can always hope that the tides might turn in favour of the Horde and bring not only victory and success in battle ever looming, but also brief respites from the hardships that have plagued our kin.

For seven days and seven nights, Garadar will harbour the bi-annual tradition of Kosh’harg. A festival of peace and prosperity for all members of the Horde who seek to rest their arms from the fighting and pay homage to what they fight for: Home, family, and the spirits that guide them. No matter how dire the circumstances in the face of adversity and strife may seem, the Kosh’harg will never be forgotten as it has in the past. Thus, those of you who harbour love and respect for the unity of the Horde, join us in this celebration and raise your mugs to the times ahead!


When 14th - 20th September
Where Garadar, Nagrand (Outlands)
Who Horde

The time has come once more to celebrate tradition and unity! Strife has chewed at the world for the past months, yet the Orcs, as is tradition, will stand fast in the tradition to lay down their arms twice a year to rever the hallowed Ancestors that have guided them on their paths and seen them through all times, be they a breeze, or a raging storm. With their guidance we prevail, but not only as Orcs, since as of recent times, not only the Orcs of the Horde are invited to celebrate this tradition, but rather all races of the Horde are. Be you a Troll, a Goblin, a Tauren, or any of our other brothers and sisters of the Horde, there is a place around the Kosh’harg bonfire for you.

Due to the nature of the event, it goes without saying that - as always - any who choose to attend this event are requested to be at their best behaviour. Being a festival of peace and concord, there will be no place for petty disputes, warmongering, political agendas, or whatever else that might disrupt the theme of the event. A lot of time has been put into organizing all of the events that are on offer and your fellow participants have all come here to have a good time, so for all of our sakes, please keep this in mind if you choose to pay a visit to this lighthearted occasion.


Click on the events for more information! This information is subject to change; items may be added or removed.
Monday, 14th of September
20:00 - 20:30: Opening ceremony
The official opening of the second Kosh’harg of the year! Guests will be welcomed and a short ritual will bless the festival and its visitors.

Location: Garadar

Hosted by Nosh’marak Ironclaw

21:00 - 22:30: Brawl'gar
A fan favourite at nearly every Kosh'harg, the Brawl'gar returns once again in the form of a grappling tournament following a tried and tested formula. Prove you're the strongest brawler and, potentially, get some revenge for last Kosh'harg's tournament!

Location: Western Garadar Gate

Hosted by Nakobu

Tuesday, 15th of September

20:00 - 21:30: Archery Contest
A test of skill and precision. People from all over the world claim to have the best archers, now it is time for them to prove themselves and see if they are indeed the best archers the horde has to offer.

Location: Garadar

Hosted by Kulgha Wolfheart

21:00 - 22:30: Oshu'gun Pilgrimage
No Kosh'harg is complete without a pilgrimage to Oshu'gun. Bashul Starsong will guide all willing festival-goers to the spirit mountain to bring offerings and prayers to the ancestors that inhabit it.

Location: Garadar -> Oshu’gun

Hosted by Bashul Starsong

Wednesday, 16th of September

20:00 - 23:00: THE GRAND MARKET
Though visitors are welcome to peddle their wares throughout the entire Kosh’harg week, this day will mark the opening of the Grand Market in which the finest of wares may be found! From simple trade goods to the most exquisite wares you will not find anywhere else at any other time, come and buy the finest items, or sell your own!

Location: South east side of Garadar, vendors are encouraged to set up their stalls along the road to make use of as much as possible of the space available!

Hosted by Elders of the Red Blade

21:00 - 22:00: Clefthoof Hunt
Despite promises to keep the Kosh'harg as a festival of peace, tradition dictates hunts to be a big part of the festival. The Clefthoof Hunt is a long-honoured tradition for the Kosh'harg, and this time will be no different!

Location: Garadar

Hosted by Frakhorn

22:00 - 23:00: Fortune Telling
Although part of the market, Draz'hul's fortunes deserve a time slot of their own. Any who which to have their fortune told are encouraged to seek out Drazhul OOC to give him some prep time!

Location: Garadar

Hosted by Drazhul

Thursday, 17th of September

20:00 - 21:30: Costume Contest
Another fan favourite returns, and the description is in the title! Whoever can make the best costume based around the specific theme given by the judges, surely something Orcish considering the nature of the festival, wins!

Hosted by Kulgha Wolfheart

21:00 - 22:00: Zagrel's Course
Wolf races have long been a Red Blade tradition at Kosh'harg and other smaller celebrations, and this time will be no different! Obtain one of three blessings, hop on your mount and overcome the obstacles before the final race to the finish! Who will stand victorious in the end, if anyone at all?

Hosted by Ordok Axebite

22:00 - 23:00: Drinking Contest
What is a festival without ungodly amounts of alcoholic beverages? This contest needs no explanation; you will drink until you, or the other contestants cannot drink any more! The winner will be crowned Ironbelly of the Kosh'harg, a prestigious title to say the least.

Hosted by Za’karah Sporefang

Friday, 18th of September

20:00 - 21:30: Eating Contest
Who is the biggest glutton of them all? Many have claimed the title in the past, but it is time to pick a new champion of the eating contest! Food to be eaten until you pass out - or until nobody else can go any further.

Hosted by Kulgha Wolfheart

21:30 - 23:00: Om'riggor
Previously known as a rite of adulthood, the modern Horde has largely forgotten the tradition of the Om'riggor hunt. The Red Blade, however, have opted to bring it back for every Kosh'harg to give any Orcs who do not have an honour name a chance to forge a strong name for themselves! Stories will be exchanged while the hunters are out and about, and perhaps some will share stories of their own Om'riggor hunts!

Hosted by Nosh’marak Ironclaw and Nakobu

Saturday, 19th of September

20:30 - 22:00: Challenge of the Wyvern
A traditional competition with riddles and tasks that will take the contestants all over Draenor. Do you have the knowledge and speed required to finish first and to be granted the title of victors of the Challenge of the Wyvern?

Hosted by Nosh’marak Ironclaw

22:00 - 23:00: History Quiz
Many claim to be all-knowing regarding the history of both Azeroth and Draenor, and surely many are well-versed, but do they have the knowledge to back it up in this quiz? Test your knowledge, and perhaps learn a thing or two along the way!

Hosted by Ordok Axebite

Sunday, 20th of September

20:00: Closing Ceremony
As the Kosh’harg Festival draws to a close, a final ceremony will be hosted to thank all visitors for joining in on the celebrations and to give any final offerings to the revered ancestors.

Hosted by Red Blade Elders

21:00: Tournament of the Blades
With the Kosh'harg officially ended, festival-goers can once again fight it out without worrying about the consequences of drawing blood. A simple PvP tourney, brought back by popular demand!

Hosted by Nakobu

Frequently Asked Questions

What about peacekeepers?
Due to social festivals and events doing quite well in remaining peaceful, we see no reason to enforce the peace with clear figures of temporary authority as we see this as something that might simply encourage antagonism. It is a festival of peace after all, and there is nothing to be gained from disrupting that peace.
What about the schedule?
The events will be posted in the original post as soon as the main events of the celebration have been set in stone, as it is difficult to predict exactly what events will occur on what day far ahead of time. Thus we prefer to keep the schedule ever changing until a few weeks, or up to a month, before the actual celebration.
Can I host my own events?
Of course! As we prefer to give our guild members the first chance to schedule their own events, the schedule will be open for others to take part in and contribute to, through messaging myself or the other Red Blade officers, once it has been publicly posted. Smaller, more spontaneous events outside of the regularly scheduled ones are always welcome too for that matter, and do not require you to properly schedule them. But a heads up is always appreciated!


Hell yeah! Kosh’harg time!!!

Looking forward to another great week


Yes! One of my favorite events! I have enjoyed previous Kosh’hargs, and definitely will enjoy this one.
Can’t wait!


Glad to see the hype is real so far, despite it being a while away! :heart:


Awesome Archery contest here i come!


This looks really fun! I hope it draws many orcs!
Good luck with it!



A full year of Kosh’hargs. Can’t wait to crash it for a 3rd time :eyes:

Edit: It’s also FINALLY not on a Warsong Scramble week, so I can actually just chill and Koshmosh!


Might just re-subscribe and bring Frak out of retirement for this.


Wiggly Hugs need to make a return, don’t they? :partying_face:


Sweet papaya. I plan NOT to be sick on it so I can check it out!


Can’t wait to see how big Frak’s boi has gotten :eyes:


Look forward to this, Bloodsong is going to be there for sure. If possible, we would like to get the peacekeepers task alongside the other eventual candidates. Blood and thunder.

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I’m happy to hear that Bloodsong will be there! The more the merrier!
Unfortunately, there is a small typo in the Peacekeeper text. We are not having any Peacekeepers, as we don’t feel that it’s needed. Things have gone smoothly without any in the past.
But thank you for your offer anyway! ^^


As Vraxxar said, there was a minor typo in the section about peacekeepers. Probably from copy pasting it over from Word or somesuch, but to clarify: we will not have peacekeepers, as we have never seen much of a point in doing so.


Good good, remember the Ancestors, remember Draenor!


Telia still has her peacekeeper badge. Kosh’harg is always good fun. I’m looking forward to it.

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Always, Kump! You know this!

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Can’t wait to make all new friends like I did in the last Kosh’arg… cough


The basis of the schedule is coming along nicely despite the festival itself being a few months away! I’m hoping everyone else is just as excited. :partying_face:


I’ll be there for sure to defend my title as the last Kosh’harg’s Brawl’gar Champion.

Anyone who has never been to a Kosh’harg hosted by the Red Blades, you are in for a real treat, especially if you are RPing a Orc or are generally interested in depictions of orcish culture in RP.

See you all there!