[H-RP] Blood Howl

A few days ago, the Blood Howl set sail towards Southern Kalimdor with a small group from the Dragonscale Expedition in search of a group of primalists.

On the seas pirates were encountered, two of our own manned goblin engineered guns to damage the enemy ship as it approached while the rest of the group prevented the pirates from getting too far on board their ship. The battle was won and soon after they made it to Gadgetzan.

After a brief stay in the goblin settlement, the Blood Howl and the expeditioners with them ventured out once more. This time into the vast dunes of Tanaris with the intent of venturing to Un’goro Crater. During the travel, vicious silithid were encountered but with the combined fury and might of the Blood Howl they repelled the vile silithid. Eventually, they saw the last of the dunes and were instead greeted by the hot and humid jungles of Un’goro. As we arrived at our new camp we found it to be under attack by the native raptors. Blood was spilled but the Blood Howl came out on top with plenty of meat from the raptors claimed as well.

Now we await to continue our hunt of the primalists and uncover why they are in the lush lands of Un’goro Crater.


After a long time spent in the Jungle of Un’goro. the Blood howl have aided a Dragonscale led expedition in securing a titan artefact that otherwise would have come in Primalist’s hands.

Together with Rogro’s Golden Skulls, the Blood Howl attacked the primalists hold out in the jungle to disrupt their plans.

On their final day in the jungle they entered one of the Titan facilities build to monitor un’goro to secure the artefact they set out to retrief. The remnant of the primalist accompanied by a fire infused Primal Proto-drake tried to take it from them. after a Heated battle Rokamo was able to kill the dragon, saving our hides.

Now we are back in Orgrimmar, preparing for future adventures.


The Blood Howl has recently visited the jungles of Feralas where their aid was required as harpies had taken a group of tauren hunters as prisoners.
With a brave effort and no less strain, the Blood Howl managed to cut into the harpies forces and free their Horde kin and slew the matriarch.

Blood Howl is now back in Orgrimmar, but soon enough, they will likely need to head out again!
Blood for Blood!

I won’t be long until we head out again as more adventures awaits!


Once more the Blood Howl has been out upon another adventure, this time bringing them to Highmountain upon the Broken Isles. A Naga menace plagued the shores by the Blind Marshlands where some highmountain had attempted to make settlements but it was a futile effort. The Blood Howl moved through a dense unnatural mist and were engaged multiple times by vile naga in skirmish battles.

Through determination to find the settlers and discover their fate, the Blood Howl found the ruined settlment still incomplete. There they found the settlers slain by the vile naga who yet again utilised guerilla warfare and struck hard against Blood Howl. Only thanks to an unyielding resolve did the Blood Howl withstand and managed to outlast the naga.

The vile serpents withdrew and the Blood Howl stood, battered and tired.
With great grief for the highmountain, the Blood Howl withdrew to Thunder Totem where efforts were made to recover the fallen highmountain settlers back in the Blind Marshlands.

The Last Rites were performed in a large ceremony, a time of great grief before Blood Howl then returned to Orgrimmar once again.

Blood for Blood!

We’re now once again back in Orgrimmar!
For the Horde!


The blood howl has set their sights on the shores of the Dragon isles. They will be aiding the Dragon scale expedition in discovering Titan artefacts, and fighting the primalists.


Blood Howl’s adventures on the Dragon Isle’s so far has been quite eventful. From aiding some exploring expeditioners of the Dragonscale Expedition and defending them from primal elements to a large assaulting Djaradin Warparty attacking Dragonscale Basecampe, the Blood Howl rose to it’s defence alongside Dragonscale Expedition defenders.

The last adventure were a relatively calm supply run allowing the Blood Howl a little respite ontop of the assault a few days prior.

The Blood Howl remains camped in Dragonscale Basecamp for the time being, more adventures shall follow!
Blood for Blood!

We’re loving the fresh air of the Dragon Isles and all their wonders!


The Blood howl have moved onto the Ohn’aran plains to aid the newly settled Tauren. This came with some harsh realisations. Its full of Centaur! And some are friendly with the local Tauren!?

It will take some time to adapt to these strange but beautiful lands.


The Blood Howl’s stay in the Ohn’ahran Plains has been quite a mixture of experiences from savage engagements of combat with brutal remnants of Nokhud centaur and to hunting in the great plains themselves. Further more the Blood Howl has aided in defending Toghusuq Village from a vicious assault of Nokhud warparty hellbent on destroying the tauren village.
But combat is not all that the Blood Howl has aided with as the Windtotem Tauren in Toghusuq needed aid in repairing huts and organising materials for construction and tannery work.
Today the Blood Howl had the honour of visiting the great and sacred city of the centaur, Maruukai itself. An experience of seeing what the Maruuk centaur are able to accomplish in unified effort.
The Blood Howl has returned to Toghusuq Village where they main camp for now until another adventure in Ohn’ahran Plains requires their attention!

We remain in Dragon Isles still and are having a great time here and can’t wait to explore more of the Dragon Isles.
Blood For Blood!


The Blood howl has left the Ohn’ahran plains behind them. Trouble is brewing in the Azure span. The Dragonscale expedition needs their help with the ever present, ever bothersome Brackenhide Gnolls. On top of that, the remnants of the Sundered Flame linger in ruins that hold secrets that need recovering before the traitors destroy it all.

They have settled in at the Three-Falls Lookout, from here they will set out to deal with these issues.


The Blood Howl remains camped in Three-Falls Point where they await the next coming adventure in Azure Span, involving relic hunting and of course, the infamous gnolls who roam the forests of the Azure Span. Soon they will embark to deal with a gnoll threat that is lurking.

Whilst our stay in Dragon Isles have lasted for a good while, we do believe that we are getting closer to the last chapters of our adventures in Dragon Isles so we can return home!
Blood for Blood!


Recently the Blood Howl discovered a warparty of gnolls seeking to attack the village of Iskaara, this the Blood Howl did not allow and together with some brave tuskar warriors and some dragonscale expedition defensive forces, an intervention was made and a battle took place in the towering forest of Azure Span. After valiant effort, the gnolls forces were repelled and the Blood Howl is now looking to the horizon for what is to come next!

After a good clash we are ready to venture out on yet another adventure!
Blood for Blood!


After a brief respite at Three-Falls Lookout, the Blood Howl has once more been called to aid. This time to Camp Nowhere to aid in its defense against primalists coming from Imbu. For now the primalist forces have been repelled from taking hold of the camp.


The Blood Howl finally had set the course for a long journey back home from the Dragon Isles to Kalimdor. With the wind in the sails and the waves of the sea to carry them across the great distance. Nothing could’ve been seeming more peaceful for a safe home return. But as the voyage seemed at its best out in the open sea. The sounds of roaring thunder from a distance. There it was! A large ship hoisting their colours. A skull with a menacing grin and two blades crossing behind it. Pirates! It was not long until the cannon fire collided with the Blood Howl’s ship, damaging the hull before orders of the ship’s Captain were given and fire was returned and so battle had begun in the open sea. As battle of cannon fire raged on, it did not take long until the pirate ship managed to gain in and so the pirates began boarding. Gunfire roared, swords clashed and cries of battle filled the air. As brave Horde sailors defended their ship, the Blood Howl equally stood defiantly against the unwelcome presence of pirates! With a unified purpose, the pirates were repelled and abandoned their attempted raid. A bitter way to end the day for pirates, but a victorious day for the crew and Blood Howl. Some days after the journey home at sea, the Blood Howl once again found themselves in Kalimdor. Some long needed respite were to be had until another call would come.

We are now finally back in Kalimdor after a long stay in the Dragon Isles. But we will soon venture out again, within Kalimdor’s boundaries to undertake threats that likely have or will, rise.
Stay tuned :smiley: !

Blood for Blood!
For the Horde!


The Blood Howl had been summoned to Feralas at Stonemaul Hold, where they learned of something had been disturbing the lust jungle itself. It teemed with life of bird, insects and everything that slithers or crawls in the mud beneath the dense vegetation.

As the Blood Howl ventured out, they soon discovered to their horror, bodies of kaldorei and animal life that had been left nothing more than lifeless withered-dry husks. The small areas around them had been left with a blackened out taint, a sign of the fel having been used.

Without relent and on their guard the Blood Howl advanced and they soon came upon the source. A rift-portal of fel being channeled and kept up by ogre warlocks and a lead warlock, worn by years and with calculative expression. An orc that some of the Blood Howl had encountered so long ago in Shadowmoon Valley of Outland.

The Orc Warlock left the Blood Howl to battle an elite felguard and the ogres, a battle that truly tested their strength of endurance and wits. But through the ideals of the Horde uniting them together, they came out victorious from the fight, but the true battle was yet to be had. For now, the chase would begin to hunt this Warlock down to stop whicever schemes he’d have planned.

The only question remain, where would the chase now take Blood Howl?

Blood Howl continues on the adventures to fight those that seeks to lay harm to the Horde and it’s people.
We can’t wait to engage in yet another action thrilled adventure!
Blood for Blood.
For the Horde! :smiley:


With our feet firmly set back in Kalimdor, the Blood Howl has had a chance to enjoy some respite both from our travels in the Dragon Isles and our recent encounter with an old warlock foe. Two fresh faces have joined our ranks - a shal’dorei illusionist and a shal’dorei duelist. Long has it been since we have seen more of the noble shal’dorei join our warband and they are a welcome addition among us.

If you are looking for adventure and seeking to aid the Horde, then look no further! All of the Horde’s people are welcome among us.

Blood for Blood.


Today/Tonight Blood Howl will be joining the awesome Guild Faire event in Crossroads!

So look no further! Just keep an eye out for our banner!
We hope to meet plenty of interested folks be it for a bit of a chat or looking for a place to settle root in! Either is very welcomed!
Blood for Blood!
For the Horde!


The Blood Howl responded to a call for aid from Zabra’jin in Zangarmarsh of Outland about disturbances having taken up presence.
When riding through the marsh they came upon an ongoing assault by demons upon a small hidden village in Zangarmarsh, one of the lost ones of the broken draenei. Despite the Blood Howls fury descending upon the demons, they were too late to be of any aid to this village and so now they are camped in Zabra’jin as they will wait for more news of the happenings in Zangarmarsh.
Blood for Blood!

We’re now camped in Zabra’jin within Zangarmarsh and can’t wait for our next event coming up this Friday!
Lok’tar Ogar! For the Horde!


Word reached the Blood Howl of a missing scout from Zabra’jin and once more they rode out in order to aid this scout or at the very least recover their body. Upon arrive to an ogre camp in the marsh they were met with ogre warlocks, fel lords and fel hounds. Amist the battle, a new ally joined their side and aidied in defeating the demonic foes. But this was not all, deeper within the camp were more warlocks and demons though this time a few of these warlocks were channeling a gateway in attempt to summon a greater demon. Just in the nick of time did the Blood Howl destroy this gateway and prevent the demon from coming through. But what it was still remains a mystery. Unfortunately, the scouts remains were found before the gateway their body little more than a withered husk.

Tonight, the Blood Howl departs from Zagarmarsh for a more favourable land - Nagrand. We ride to settle ourselves for the coming Kosh’harg to celebrate on the orcish homeworld once more.



Blood and Honour brothers and sisters of the Horde! (And our fellow community of AD RP)

Blood Howl as Estelle’s post above has mentioned, went to Nagrand and have now made camp in Garadar!

We’re looking forward to have a splendid week of Roleplay and fun and interact with fellow Horde alike!

So on that notion we wish all attendees a HAPPY KOSH’HARG!!!



Blood Howl continues having a great time at the Kosh’harg and we can’t wait for the brawl’gar being hosted tonight and the Cook off. We’ll have people entering both competitions!

Lok’tar Kosh’harg!