[H-RP] Eclipseborne

Founding and Purpose

The Eclipseborne are a specialist Thalassian order beneath the jurisdiction of the Sunfury Spire. The Fall of Dalaran, a bastion of magic and former staging ground against greater forces that previously threatened Azeroth time and again, created a pressing need to mount defenses to combat any potential danger that could befall Quel’Thalas. Such a group required not only fine tactical minds and military prowess expected of elite Thalassian orders, but those intimately familiar with their enemy and the risks both; to house elves who did not fear the methods required of them to safeguard the sin’dorei people from the coming dark.

So was the order of the Eclipseborne formed. Under the new precedence that such threat imposes upon the High Kingdom, the order combines the powers that lead the way to Quel’Thalas’ future as well as those that shaped its tumultuous past. In the doing so, they believe they are those best equipped to face the Harbinger’s threat when, not if, its eyes turn upon the Kingdom.

With this in mind, the Spire has sanctioned the Eclipseborne to accept wielders of both Void and Fel, as well as Death Knights and Demon Hunters. Though considered highly controversial amongst many, the Eclipseborne believes in the need to use all means available to them to fulfil their purpose - though the unliving and the fel-changed will be subject to more stringent evaluation.



Current: Magistrix Vel’arys Emberthrone / Surveyor Eraevin Blackwood

The two leaders of the Eclipseborne, representatives of the equilibrium of Magic protecting the Kingdom. Though their loyalities lay with the Spire, the Scions hold a measure of independence regarding the order’s affairs, acting as liason between the order and outer connections throughout the Kingdom.

The Scions are responsible for every elf beneath the banner of the Eclipseborne and serve as the example to which all beneath them aspire. They command, organize and evaluate the elves in their employ, and represent the Eclipseborne at large.


The body of the order itself, those granted the title Eclipseborne represent the ideals of the Kingdom and the Spire. They can be recognised by the golden ring they are given upon successful completion of their trials. From among the Eclipseborne, leadership roles can be assigned in the absence of the Scions.

Eclipseborne members are granted a monthly wage issued by the Spire, including a percentage coverage of any damages or injuries sustained while in service.


As a reflection of the prevailing bonds between the Blood Elves and the Nightborne, allies from Suramar upon passing their Aspirant trial will be granted the rank of Envoy. Envoys are bound by the same rules as the Eclipseborne and are granted the same benefits though receive a ring inverse to the one bestowed to elves of Quel’Thalas.


The unproven entrants to the order, the Initiates seek to earn their place within the Eclipseborne through the trials of their service.

While they will be subject to the assessment of their fellow Eclipseborne, their worth shall be decided ultimately by the Scions. Aspirants are granted a monthly wage issued by the Spire, lesser than that given to proven Eclipseborne.

IC Rules

  • The chain of command must be obeyed and acknowledged. All decisions made by the Scions are final.

  • Any endangerment to the lives of your fellow Eclipseborne or those under its ward will be met with appropriate punishment.

  • Confidential information regarding the Eclipseborne’s activities is not to be shared with those beyond its ranks.

  • Once issued, the Eclipse Ring must be worn when on duty or deployment. It is recommended it is worn at all times as an indicator of your status within the order.

  • During deployment and campaigns, all elves must be appropriately equipped and armoured. Members must dress in colours befitting the Kingdom, its orders, and its magics - favouring red, gold and black while prohibiting blue.

OOC Information and Rules

Eclipseborne is a Horde-side Blood Elf roleplay guild, seeking to explore not only the progressing narrative of the World of Warcraft setting but the part each one of its elves has to play, offering our members in-depth, interpersonal campaigns, events and storylines that explore a sect of elves who look ahead to Quel’Thalas’ uncertain future without abandoning the darker strengths of its past.

The guild’s application process is overseen entirely in character, and an In Character interview must be carried out before a character may join the guild proper. Any interest should be forwarded to our recruiting officers (via roleplay or an IC letter) and meetings/interviews can be decided from there.Though we accept Blood Elves and Nightborne of all classes, Nightborne Death Knights need not apply.

  • The Eclipseborne is strictly an 18+ guild. Though the guild itself does not explore mature themes as a focus, some discussions, jokes or content within the discord is only suitable for adults. For the safety and security both of minors and our guild members, if we discover you are a minor you will be asked to leave.

  • The Eclipseborne is an LGBTQIA+ friendly community. Any behaviors including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia or bigotry are strictly prohibited and to engage in such will result in immediate removal without warning.

  • Respect roleplayers outside of our community. Trolling, disrupting, or targeted disparaging of fellow roleplayers is strictly prohibited.

  • Members are requested to refrain from god-emoting, metagaming, or any other acts that may disrupt others roleplay experiences.

  • The guild holds an expectation of consistently high activity - which includes both social interaction within Discord/the community and attendance to events/campaigns. Any notable absences should be forwarded to the officer team ahead of scheduled events at your earliest convenience. Real life must always prioritize in-game, but we do appreciate any notice!

(Consistent absence without notice may result in warnings, followed by demotion to Aspirant or removal after consecutively unheeded warnings. We will always endeavor to discuss such at length with anyone where we are able to find a suitable outcome, taking into account all variables.)

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Eraevin and Velarys.


How can one but praise such vision… and exquisite taste in garments?

Feeling hella protected rn :pray:


Dawn of the Eclipse

The call to arms has been issued and heeded. Now is the time to protect the everburning Sun.

With the first official assembly, the Eclipseborne have bee formed. Aspirants have been introduced to the order’s expectations, as well as the Scions to whom they will be bound.

As the efforts against the Harbinger continue even with end of Queen Ansurek, what awaits now is the depths of Azj-Kahet.

Great guild concept - sadly, I can’t commit to RP guilds right now, but would you ever consider to work with characters who could help further your causes?

Lady Manarie Everglow is a Dusk Priestess who is currently in Feralas (Darkmist Village), studying a Highborne Warlock Orb, seemingly infused with both dark magics and a radiant healing source contained within. (She has already guessed that it’s Elune’s magic.)

Obviously, I’m not a priority and wouldn’t expect to be - but just know that Manarie’s character arc is somebody who fits in with the concepts of both the Eclipseborne and Sanguine Eye, so she could be a distant liaison. Called upon, if needed

We should talk.

Pondering an orb you say…

We’re very welcome to be approached on the matter IC to discuss things further, feel free to get in touch with us!

We should talk.

We’re all ears (thank you thank you).
You can find us at the Halls of Respite during the evenings until the 6th, when we’ll be shooting off for our first campaign! Nothing like throwing your aspirants in at the deep end.

Operation: Carrion

A tenuous calm claims the world anew. Queen Ansurek , ruthless monarch of the nerubian kingdom of Azj-Kahet, has met her end, and the mysterious Harbinger has vanished without meaningful trace following her thwarted assault by the heroes of Azeroth within Hallowfall. As many turn their eyes to pursue Xal’atath’s trail, it leaves them blind to the shadows that flit in the periphery.

For what becomes now of the Black Blood that seeps within the veins of Khaz Algar?

Such opportunists already begin to make their move, filching away this eldritch force for purposes unknown. Reports indicate not only the gradual amassing of cult network, drawing in the desperate, but the reemergence of an exiled Magister and his wayward cohort. The Spire thus summon the Eclipseborne for their maiden deployment, their mission simple:

  • Establish presence within Azj-Kahet and locate these pockets of known Black Blood corruption.
  • Identify those that continue to harvest the Blood for nefarious ends. Seek any indication that connects them to a cult or the ren’dorei exiles.
  • Eliminate them indiscriminately.

And so begins the journey in the dark depths.


Operation Carrion: Conclusion

With the campaign’s conclusion, the Eclipseborne return to the High Kingdom, having only partially achieved their set objectives. Though the new factions of cultists discovered have been removed from Azj-Kahet, the main bulk of their joined forces remains away from Khaz Algar and currently out of reach.

It is now time to assess the new threats decide on action against them.

The Eclipseborne can once again be found across Quel’thalas and primarily within Silvermoon City.

Campaign banners and art compilation: https://imgur.com/a/akLRSrK


Recruitment Notice

With their return to the Kingdom, the Eclipseborne open recruitment once again, seeking more elves to join the ranks.

Though most classes are welcome, wielders of the Light and especially menders will be preferred given our shortage of such characters.

We are currently in full capacity of warlocks and Farstriders and will therefore not be reviewing any such applications for the time being.

Please contact Velarys or Eraevin in-game through whispers, walk-up or mail (IC or OOC) if interested.


A Disgraced Spellbreaker

With the next mission in the Eclipseborne in the horizon horizon, a detour is decided some days prior. The search begins for the link which does not seem to fit in their chain.

It leads the order to the Ghostlands, where they will soon remain for a few days.

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A Disgraced Spellbreaker

https://imgur.com/a/A930AWi - Screenshot Album

Having journeyed from the comforts of Silvermoon City to the derelict scar of the Ghostlands, the Eclipseborne began their search for Cynas Al’cehar, right-hand of an enigmatic ren’dorei foe, at his former home in Suncrown Village.

They are stationed now within the Farstrider Enclave, hunting for the unlikely Amani thief of one of Al’cehar’s discarded relics.