[H] RP Event! Brightwater Lake Purge - Fishing competition with prizes!

Brightwater Lake Purge

While passing through Undercity you see a pinned, official looking pergament on one of the notice boards, on closer inspection it says the following:

"The town of Brill has approached Undercity’s apothecaries with a request; Brightwater Lake in Tirisfal Glades has been teeming with strangely mutated fish lately and there have been several reports of unusually aggressive behaviour against swimmers by the resident, normally docile, fish species. The apothecaries suspect it is a behavioural issue due to too high population, foul play by Alliance saboteurs or perhaps a mutation, also they noted that perhaps we should stop feeding them so many corpses. The remains might have traces of the plague if not checked thoroughly.

The Lordaeron Deathguards were tasked to arrange an operation to thin out the fish population before it becomes a real problem. The apothecaries have also asked for samples of the remains that have been dumpd in the lake in the past.

Which is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN in the future. Once deemed dead by an licensed apothecarian, ALL corpses are to be buried, burned or wheeled off to Undercity for experimentation.

Resident fish expert Clyde Kellen has suggested an mass collection operation in a short amount of time with the intent to collect all the mutated fish or at least most of them, so the healthy mud snapper population can thrive again. If needed, we will fish out all the fish in the lake and plant healthy ones from other sources. 9/10 apothecaries do not recommend this as it would take too much time for the population to revive again to useable levels.

Without further explanations, all available hands are invited to the operation on the coming Tuesday, 5th September, the southern beach of Brightwater Lake in Tirisfal Glades. Look for Clyde Kellen. As an incentive, The Lordaeron Deathguards are also relieving themselves of old armors and what not, which are gifted to the best mutated mud snapper removers. All items are in active service condition."

Kalmobellu Cylmaberu
Sergeant of Lordaeron Deathguard


Who is doing this: The Lordaeron Deathguard. Contact Kalmobellu for details.
Where is this happening: Brightwater Lake, Tirisfal Glades. Southern beach near NPC fisherman Clyde Kellen.
When is this happening: Tuesday, 5th of November at 20.00 realm time.
How long will this take: An hour or so. Could take more depending on attendance and “traffic jams”, see more below on that subject.
What is this:

A fishing event, a social RP event and a competition with fabulous & mysterious prizes! All in the same package!

This event is based on how boring raising your fishing skill can be. That delicious sagefish doesn’t give it’s mana regen buff without some pain, sweat and endless waiting for the lure to bop. Or coin incase you get your food from AH. But here’s a solution for your troubles: Get your skill up with some company, doesn’t cost a dime! It doesn’t have to be a boring chore anymore. The main idea is for people to have a chance to raise their fishing skill, be social, roleplay and have fun in the process. The IC description is purposely written a bit with tongue-in-cheek to set the mood for the event, join in and get some (fish)! If this event is a success, expect more of the same to come in the future, perhaps tailored for other professions.

So, buy a fishing rod, come on over and get that skill up to 150, with friends! There’s also the chance of winning stuff! All the prizes are randomized lvl 20-40 gear. The event is primarily meant for people who want to get their rank up from nothing but everyone is welcome to join, be it lvl 60 or lvl 1.

Sidenote: Clyde Kellen is a journeyman (max skill 150) fishing skill instructor but he does not sell fishing supplies; Those you can find in Brill or UC.

How this works:

We gather at Clyde Kellen at the appointed time and socialize until the judges announce the beginning of the competition. As everyone should have a fair start in the event, we hope no one decides to cheat and fish items from the lake beforehand… It’s all just fun and games, so that would be pretty douchy. Also using fishing scripts goes in the same category, though I am open to debate prior to the event as i don’t actually have much experience about those, during the event the rules written here adhere. Using lures is totally fine and you can use whatever fishing rod you have.

The competition is made up of segments, where all participants are to fish as much from the lake as possible inside the given time limit. After the time limit has passed, all participants hand their catches to the judges who then count their points and announce the segments winner. Every segment’s three best fishcatchers get a prize and we will do as many segments as there are prizes left (there’s a bunch), but to avoid the same people racking up all the prizes the same person can only win once in a row. Let’s say Jane Doe, John Doe and Billy The Kid just won the first segment and got their prizes, now they can take part in the second segment but even if they land winning positions again the prizes will go to the next best catchers. In the third segment they may win again and receive a prize, in the fourth not and so forth. Repetitive winners will have to accept that success does not always come with prizes. Life lessons for free!

As most of the participants will no doubt catch great amounts of fish, the winner of the fishing competition is actually decided by who can fish most different items from the lake. There will be a point system based on the catches and our judges take care of the point counting. This much I will say: No points will be given for raw longjaw mud snappers, as those are the healthy fish we want to save. Keep them or release them after catching.

In order to avoid causing a disastrous “traffic jam” at the judges it would be great if a few people could volunteer as “spare judges”, you will be compensated for your trouble if you’re needed as a judge (1 gold piece!), no level or other requirement as long as you can count numbers, play WoW and speak english. The spare judges by default can participate in the event normally, but if the situation looks like people have to wait too long because of the judges taking in each fisher’s catch and counting their points, the spare judges come in to help, taking the participants catches and calculating the points so the event can move on. if the spare judges are needed, they will have to waive the round and any catches caught if they are needed, but as mentioned will be compensated for their trouble. But only if things look like the pace needs to pick up will the spare judges be needed, it is a social event after all so people should have some talking/RP time too.

Note: The 1 gold piece for spare judges is a one time payment and will be paid when spare judges are needed the first time, they will most likely have to work as judges on following segments also.

Nothing prevents the spare judges to participate in the fishing (aka raising your skill rank), but they will have to waive the fish they caught and the chance for the prize when they perform their judge duties if needed again.

Contact Kalmobellu for details, either ingame or Discord. You can find me on RP Zandalar Tribe discord server.


As Stammers reads the notice, his already incessant trembling worsens. By the time he reaches the end, the rattling of his bones is positively musical.

O-oh g-g-geeze…If t-they f-f-find o-out I’ve b-been dum…d-dum…dump…- discarding m-my alchemical wa…waste into t-the l-lake I am g-going to b-be in so much t-trouble!

I-I b-better par…par…p-p-partic…t-tici- join s-so I don’t look s-supicious!

Would love to be able to participate, is there a chance for this to be cross-faction?

Thought about that but the language barrier makes it kinda hard. Maybe if we had a bunch of druids on both sides to translate, but that would make everything take longer and probably more of a hassle.

So, it’s a possibility but this time I just want to keep it simple so the event goes smoothly. I’m thinking in the future it could be possible with some preplanning and volunteer translaters :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe next time, we can make a battle.net group.

Edit: The only problem with Bnet groups is that everyone needs to set it up ingame and it will show bnet tag instead of character name, both are things proper rpers can overcome easily.

Tonight’s the night! Are you ready to rock and roll (your fishing rods)?