A flyer has been posted on the command boards around Horde territories. The Shatterspear trolls are planning a celebration to mark their liberation and victory over the evil Kaldorei and their wicked tree.Hello, honourable friends.
"Brothers and sisters of the Horde!
For too many years the Night Elves and their tree cast a dark, oppressive shadow over the fair lands of Darkshore but with determination and honour, they have finally been vanquished.
To mark this triumph, the free trolls of Shatterspear Vale invite our treasured allies to the Shatterspear War Camp for a special celebration of the victory over Teldrassil. We will tell the story of our people and our struggle. We will sing and dance once again. We will rebuild.
Seek Sergeant Kuru or Grunt Olmec for more information.
Glory to the Horde."
The message ends with a time and a date.
I'm pleased to announce a roleplay event will be taking place at the Shatterspear War Camp in Darkshore at 20:00 on Wednesday the 28th. There will be special activities along with the usual celebrations.
As can be seen in patch 8.1 and this video, the Shatterspear Trolls have reclaimed the Village and the land around the Vale:
You can contact me here, in game or if your character is a troll, via our lovely Wardrums discord.
Wardrums – The Troll Community Discord