[H-Rp-Goblin Community!] The G.G.G! Grand Gobo Gathering!

Yo yo my Gobos!
I look around and see no place for us mean green tiny building machines to hang and discuss what makes the best explosives or if painting our trike really makes it faster or not… lemme settle that, we all know that red makes it faster, vroom vroom on my boys!
So, I have made a home for us Goblins! Every Gobro, every Gosis, and anything inbetween!
Bring yous guns! your coin and yous awesome cool green behind!
Makes sense? Makes sense!
With love!
Rard Buzzkill.

Here is our Discord, I would love to see ya all there :slight_smile:

And join our ingame Community!


First Event Announcement!
The Grand Gnome Vs Goblin DragRace planning commission!
If you are a Goblin or a Gnome, come join us in hashin’ out them deets to host a race of the best pilots, engineers and tinkerers across Azeroth!
Where?: Booty Bay!
When?: 20:00, the 13th of November!

A date and time has been found for the race.
Course: Bogpaddle to Fuselight.
Date: 30th November.
Time: 20:00 server time.
Winner: may the best racer win!

Hope to se ya there!
-With love.
Rard Buzzkill


Second Event Announcement!
To take part in this you will have to sign up on the community discord.

Welcome to the to the ring, Scrubs!
Test your creations or your pets!
A fight for glory! fame and renown! And most importantly… Big piles of Moolah! Coin! Riches!


  • A battle team of three is required!
  • Your team needs a Team Name!
  • Buy-in costs one gold coin!
  • Winner is the last bot or pet standing!
  • A draw will result in a rematch!

((OOC Rules: This petbatteling event will be kept lore friendly, so please do not use pets such as Lil’KT, Lil’Ragnaros, Any of the Murloc lore character ripoffs.
*Your character will need a logical and feasible explanation why you have the pets you are using, so being a lowly Gob-pirate showing up with a team of Dragon whelps seems a bit odd. *
Ya know, use common sense ))


Love this, and love the initiative! The goblins are severely underrated and definitely need more love and events. This makes me wish I had a goblin to roll up as! (Though, if other races are allowed, my forsaken fleshcrafter Mortecai might love the pet battling…)

I highly recc Rard and the Pridesaw Cartel characters as a whole, they’ve been a lot of fun and just the type of schemers and nare-do-wells that we need to spice up the world. I can already tell this event will be a blast.

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Thank you for your kind words Rhae! <3
I always love walking about causing gobo mischief!
Maybe one day we will host a World Wide Pet Rumble last one standing championship!
For the time-being I am doing this for the Goblin community, as we all know, the Goblin community is very small and I fear that if I were to open it up we would be swamped and overshadowed, another reason is as the idea started off as a Battle-bot championship, only with mechpets allowed, but we soon came to an agreement that us shifty gobos would totes fight with rats, cockroaches, chickens, crabs and other exotic pets aswell.
Maybe not so much with Flesh crafted monsters of bodily horrors, hehe.
But your Mortecai is more than welcome to come and spectate this one!
And then we can see if we expand our rosters in the future.

  • With love.
    Rard Buzzkill
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Definitely, it’s so important to encourage the goblin community, especially with how small and underrated it is! I’m loving that there’s going to be a more dedicated space for them - and I really hope it encourages more people to roll one!

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You, can always roll a Goblin :wink: :dracthyr_nod:


As a goblin, I endorse this wholly.

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Update to the event, any and all gnomes and goblins can contact me to sign up!


Last night’s gathering was awesome to be part of! A big thank you to Rard for making it all happen, and to Bertel who summoned so many Gnomes!

Bring on the race!


Race From Bogpaddle to Fuselight
30th November
20:00 Server time
Starts in Bogpaddle
Ends in Fuselight!
The Race will be just between (mecha)Gnomes and Goblins!
But any and all are welcome to join us at the finish line to host meeting / social events, have shopping stalls and preform music for the bards out there!
Spectators may stand anywhere along our course.
Here is our route:
Hope to see you all there!
-With love.


Gobos and Gnomos can sign up to race…
Goblin VS Gnome Race- 2024-11-30 - Google Dokumenter
Special thanks to Fiabeanie putting it together! Cheers!

  • With love!
    Rard Buzzkill!

Even when I don’t get as involved with the RP community as I used to, it’s always good to see people keeping up with goblin communities. Hope all the best for this bunch!


Here we are! Tomorrow is the first race that we hope will turn into a monthly thing!
With Rotating hosts, sponsors and courses!
Still not to late to join! Racers meet in Bogpaddle, as their goblins and gnomes.
Everyone else can meet up in Fuselight for the winner, shops, music and food! Maybe a bot battle or two!
30th of nov
20:00 server time.
Bogpaddle to fuselight!
With love
Rard. <3


Thanks to all for showing up at for the races! We had a very good turnout!
With many racers!

For the November race it was a complete golbin victory! Better luck next time gnomes!
Novemember 2024 Race:
First place: Ranzy Nutcrack (Goblin)
Second Place: Guznik (Goblin)
Third Place: Liar Gatecrusher (Goblin)

Special thanks to:
Grover Greasewrench.
Puxmi Coindigger
Suzie Eightfingers
Jikky Coingleam!
For the great help!

We will try to get the second race going now in december!
Reach out to me if you wish to sponsor or be the host of this race!

With love!


Regarding the December race.
Due to how December is I will not be able to host a Gnome VS Goblin race this month.
It is a rather busy month for many of us.
It also seem to be less interest in a december race due to the business of this month.

How ever, if someone still want to host it for this month, they are more than welcome to do so!

I wish you all the best Christmas and happy holidays!
with love.


Good to see more communities forned around more niche concepts and player races to help people find other roleplayers interested in similar themes and lore. Keep rocking, goblins!


I love this! And would love to participate!
So, I am not currently very actively playing a Goblin, but… I have been working on a concept for a while because I so badly want to try it out.
The discord link however seems inactive? Simply letting you know :slight_smile:

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Fixed, sorry about that, and the slow reply, dencember has been… You know… December :slight_smile:
With love.


So here we are! The Second Gnome VS Goblin race!
Goblin VS Gnome Race!
Bring your mechs and your guns! LETS GET READY FOR RACIIIIIIIIIN’!!!
Thanks to the Gnome community for hosting this one!

When: Saturday 25/1

Where: From Halfhill Market, Valley of the Four Wind’s to Tavern in the Mist. Pandaria.

Time: 8 PM ST

Rules and regulations for this race

  • Only mechanical mounts allowed
  • Small mount buffs are allowed
  • No flying allowed,
  • if you use a flying mount and fly
  • you will be disqualified from the race!

“Electroshock Mount Motivator” item is allowed to use


This is a race between goblins and gnomes, may the best team win!

To participate you need to be a goblin or a gnome, if you´re not you are still welcome to watch the race.

→ Remember to stock up on Elixir of Tongues

Creators and Contact information for gnomes

Manager : Bertel Wobblespring, Discord: noiseninja666


Executive producer AKA bean producer: Fiabeanie HotToggles

Contact information for goblins

Manager : Rard Buzzkill, Discord: viking_barbie

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