The Red Venturers: In Summary
It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when, or how, the Red Venturers came into being.
After some stifling years in military service, Darkspear trolls Watrus and Khaltarr suddenly found themselves with a newfound freedom and autonomy, coupled with a love for the Horde that had been tended for a long time.
They elected to pursue their own agenda for a time, supporting the Horde in their own manner - by assisting the outcasts, the oddballs, the misfits of the Horde. Either by giving them a group to rely on, or by offering that same group’s help as needed.
The Red Venturers look to the over-looked, striving to protect the breadbaskets of the Horde family, no job too small, no task too menial, and no endeavour too bizarre.
Managed by the aloof behind-the-scenes leadership of Lakvanoy Clawtotem, a tauren Death Knight with a will to do good almost as strong as her uncongenial attitude (don’t worry, she has a publicist working on it), the Red Venturers strive to be a force of good for the Horde in a world that barely cares to acknowledge them.
They might never be centre-stage under the spotlight, but hey, someone has to draw the curtains and play the triangle, right?
Who are the Red Venturers?
In Character
The Red Venturers are a humble Horde-loyal outfit of adventurers and freelancer types; a collection of oddities, misfits and outcasts, the misplaced, the wandering; a motley crew of like-minded friends and allies, bound by honour, history, loyalty and a genuine love of the things they do and the people of the Horde.
Rather than aim exclusively for fame and glory, the outfit members see everything as an opportunity for adventure, and a way to perform a kindness.
From quixotic Death Knights, to environmentally-conscious goblins, it takes all sorts to make the Red Venturers tick. Bring forth your weirdos and eccentrics! Everyone willing to help out has a bit of that Red Venturers spirit inside of them.
Out Of Character
The Red Venturers is (another) adventurer-style RP guild, with an undercurrent of mercenary activity, albeit of a more kind-hearted nature than usual.
As an RP guild we embrace how WoW presents itself as a world and as a setting, so we’re not afraid to embrace the somewhat silly undertone running through the World of Warcraft. This mix of the serious and the light-hearted is something we all enjoy, so we’re able to find the comical side to our RP and our characters as much as we appreciate the dramatic, the harrowing or the tear-jerking.
Behind-the-scenes of it all, we’re a small circle of like-minded players and pals, who approach both RP and PvE with a laidback, casual mindset; a focus on enjoying ourselves, rather than aiming to impress others.
We understand that life ramps up and slows down with very little notice, and like the idea of a sensible bedtime because of work tomorrow. We take the game at our own, meandering pace.
What You Should Know
We’re best summed up as a casual RP guild.
Typically, we tend to have members who are adults with a bunch of outside responsibilities and so their free time for WoW can be limited. The guild is aimed primarily towards adults who appreciate or need a guild with a slightly slower pace, less demands, but can still be relied on for a good chat, eager RPers, and awkward floundering attempts at PvE/PvP.
We like to attempt a mix of spontaneous RP, planned guild events, and attendance to out-of-guild activities and events.
So while you might see us mucking in with the latest war campaign or server event, you’re just as likely to find us assisting a “famous” goblin ghost-hunter shooting their latest documentary in the Ghostlands, or putting down a runaway zombified devilsaur in Tirisfal.
Because of our responsibilities, those looking for a guild with designs for daily, multi-hour RP sessions or campaigns of breathtaking scale and length might find a better fit elsewhere - but you’re still welcome to drop by and try some of Awqe’s famous deep-fried Gnomefingers (Don’t worry, it’s just a name… Or so he says).
The Red Venturers does not have an in depth ranking system. In a small adventurers band such as this, ranks and stations can become stifling.
All Venturers “answer” to Watrus and Khaltarr, who in turn answer to Lakvanoy. Beyond that everyone is considered equally as worthless as each other, regardless of age, time spent with the group, or your former status as class officer with Method during 2008-2009.
What this does mean, is that all ideas and suggestions are given equal merit and attention, to foster an atmosphere more akin to a family gang than a rigid squad structure.
We’re saddos who are usually online weekday evenings, and weekends too. You can usually hit up Watrus, Khaltarr, or do a search for Red Venturers if you want to have a chat with us for more details.
We’ll try to have a brief IC meeting before any fully IC recruitment, though you may get a guild invite ahead of time to keep things smooth.
Red Venturers - Redventure’s Out There!