[H-RP] [Guild] The Dust Scavengers Caravan

Greetings fellow Argent Dawners,

Quick Overview:
We are the Dust Scavengers, a traveling Vulpera Caravan which joined the Horde fully recently, while being interested in doing so since the Alliance burned some of our wagons.

-Vulpera only, but we Roleplay with every other race, trade is important!!

-Travels all across Azeroth and beyond to find new, interesting Stuff or friends/enemies/trade partners.

-We stay at one place for about one to two weeks, sometimes longer or shorter (depending on ongoing Adventures, Storylines and other Events).

-Loyal to the Horde, bringing supplies and wares where they are needed the most

-Adventure, Trader and Merchant Roleplay, with a small mix of Pirates.

-Mostly active during the evening hours under the week and earlier on the Weekends.

-Going In Character officially on Saturday January 18th 2020, at 9pm / 21:00.
We had some PTR RP before.

-Providing a “Bazar of Wonders” , an open Trademarket for everyone to buy and sell their own stuff or just browse and have a good time. It is open for everyone (Dust Scavenger or not) and always set up where ever we currently reside.

-Discord Server is avaiable for more Information.
You can contact me under
Rune#7641 (Discord)
Ingame via Whisper or Letter on the character

If you want to know more, feel free to contact me :slight_smile: always there to help.

Warm Sands



Had loads of fun in the PTR Rping with you :smiley: I hope we see each other as often again in live! :wink:
Good luck now! We’re in the big world now.

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Best of luck. Hopefully our caravans will cross paths someday soon :fox_face:

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thank you, you two.
I am sure we will see each other in the big world! Looking forward to it!
Caravans are stronger together!

Hope to run into you sometime! We Vulpera have got to stick together. :fox_face: :heart:


would love to meet you In Character :slight_smile:
We are right now almost every night on for some hours near the bridge to the Tauren settlement in Orgrimmar.
Or you can find us running arround in Orgrimmar

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