Hand of Conquest
«The Lord of the Clans calls to us through the winds of time. We honor his legacy with unity—our blood, our strength, bound as one. The Horde stands unbroken when its warriors remember—we are strongest together.»
«Our blood binds us in legend, shaped in battle and undivided by scorn. We stand as brothers, sisters—outcasts to all but each other. This bond, this strength, is the heart of the Horde. It is what makes us warriors.»
Witness the Hand of Conquest—a warband bound by ancient vows, tempered in the heat of battle and bound by the honor of their forebears. They uphold the ancient traditions of their bloodlines, ensuring that their proud ways endure against the ceaseless march of the ages. Entrusted with the sacred duty of defending the Horde—both within its ranks and across its embattled borders—they strike down all who dare imperil their kin, whether rival tribes, wayward clans, or wielders of dark and twisted sorcery. Our guild draws inspiration from the vanilla setting—something that shapes both our approach to power levels and storytelling. If this is the atmosphere you seek, then you have arrived at the right destination. Known also as the Varok'kra—a title bestowed in homage to the revered hero Varok Saurfang—we proudly represent Orgrimmar by donning the "Orgrimmar Grunt" set from the Warlords of Draenor Garrison. Naturally, our characters are expected to embody this ethos; while we honor Warcraft's high fantasy tradition, our role is but a modest, noble thread woven into the broader tapestry of Azeroth.
Swine are those newly come to the Warband, not yet bound by the sacred blood oath that forges true kinship.
Scouts are freshly sworn to the Warband, blades newly anointed and eager to prove their worth.
Grunts form the Warband's unyielding backbone, hardened by battle and raised beyond mere fledglings.
Heralds serve as the Warband's voice, proclaiming the Stone Guard's edicts and uniting all beneath its banner.
Raiders lead their brethren into the fray, standing as lieutenants to the Stone Guard and shaping the Warband's course in war.
Stone Guard
The Stone Guard holds the Warband's highest mantle, safeguarding its legacy with each victory, for even a single lapse can sow discord.
OOC Info
- No ERP content.
- No OOC chatter in IC channels while in roleplay locations.
- Steel and thunder before meat and slumber.
RP Locations
In the wake of the Heartlands story, the Hand of Conquest has planted its roots in Hammerfall, nestled deep within the Arathi Highlands. There, they steer the Horde's campaign to rebuild settlements, nurture peace, and uphold the edicts of their elders.
Recruitment is conducted entirely in-character—prospective members are invited to whisper to any member for potential hooks. Be warned that the Hand of Conquest spurns the taint of dark magics, remaining faithful to the old ways under the wise counsel of shamans and other sacred custodians.
For the Horde! Lok’tar Ogar!
No way! It’s the really cool guys I know!
For the Horde! 
Taz’dingo, mon! The Hand of Conquest brings honor to the Horde!
these are my favourite horde guys!
Lok’tar Ogar my fellow warriors of the Horde! Looking forward to rping with you in the future.
The honorable warriors of the Hand of Conquest will offer nothing but fun and rewarding roleplay, as well as a warm and welcome atmosphere to the person behind the screen!
We have a colorful line-up that offers so much nuance with cultures and beliefs that mix and interact. It is never dull with us!
Ish-ne-alo por-ah, traveler! And walk with the Earth Mother.
Epic stories, told by and enjoyed with epic grunts.
Enlist today to witness and experience true core Horde RP!
Also we just look supercool.
Tensions in Arathi remain high…
Will the Horde and Alliance manage to keep away from eachother’s throats?
Find out IC…
The static of old hatreds burdened the air tonight as the Hand of Conquest and the Sword of Triumph fought abreast to oust the festering rot—the Loyalists of Marran Trollbane—from the Highlands! Their lives were forfeit the day they dared to steal way the mag’har that have settled in the rolling hills as of late. This contigency of radicalized militants simply had to be taken down for the sake of all who dwell in the Arathi Highlands, both Lion and Wolf.
Tonight was one of those moments you feel pretty lucky to have found such a large group of people that care to craft a cohesive story and an engaging narrative! We had a lot of people willing to roleplay the part of NPCs, myself included, and it was great fun to bring life to a foe that otherwise might have been a raid-marker.
Sift through this album I made, with some comments underneath a few pictures, and get a glimpse into tonight’s event through these screenshots!
Vengeance was ours tonight! Arikara!
Even the ill omens from beyond and the finding of cold bodies from soothsayer and scout alike could not begin to prepare the Hand of Conquest and Red Venturers for what they were to face under the boughs of Seradane this rainy night. A cursed artifact—a blade of blood and death—sits at the center of the night’s happenings and the very reason for the clash of axe and sword between Revantusk and Highvale. To cleanse, destroy or lock away… whatever the plan was was now but a memory, for both sides failed their purpose tonight. None crowned the victor, for there can be no winner when the ghastly evil that dwelled within the blade now haunts the world of the living. The Chosen of the Blood Good, the herald of the Blood Moon…
Grim and dangerous times await for our characters as we plunge into the depths of a new chapter that will introduce us to epic segments of lore and generate a lot of potential for explorative and developing roleplay!
And to think this was just another night with us, which means just another certifiably good event for everyone attending! Come join us for our next step in the new storyline, and look through tonight’s captured moments in the album linked below!
Ish-ne-alo por-ah, my brothers and sisters!
Glad to see these guys still around.
As tensions reach a breaking point between the Hand of Conquest and their insatiable opponents within the Alliance—having earned the ire of not just Stromgarde, but the Wildhammer and High Elves as well—the Varok’kra see their way forward through spiritual guidance. Too long have they sat behind their walls, accepting truces that their opponents so easily disregard! A vision of the Varok’kra’s very founder shall remind them of how to deal with these mangy dogs.
Enemies beset our characters at every turn, as The Hinterlands flock with antagonist guilds and opponents seeking to feud with us across the whole zone! Humans, Dwarves, Elves, enemy Forest Trolls; There is no end to the roleplay possibilities!
Tonight however, the event focus centered around the wisdom of old spirits… Champions of old to help remind the Varok’kra what they stand for, what their banner stands for, what the Hand of Conquest’s namesake truly is! With these Alliance incursions… The Horde shall take matters into their own hands.
The drums of war set the rhythm of death’s dance as the warriors of the Saurfang Legion unleashed their white-hot vengeance upon the oathbreakers of the Sword of Triumph and the honorless mercenaries of the Sunnyglade Ratters. The pale dogs cowered within the confines of Quel’Danil of Highvale and bound the spirits of the storm to their will—but such depravity do not the brave shaman of the Hand of Conquest suffer! In the violence of the battle, between the likes of The Rotgarde and the Moonhunters of Seradane, the skies were freed and their vengeful smiting of bolts of lightning descending onto the battlefields and the Lodge! A mighty blow dealt to the false knights and snake-tongued of The Grand Alliance! But the battlefield was not only theirs… for a dark force, the Chosen of the Blood God, calls upon the forest trolls to trample both grunt and knight alike. The shadow of death and fury looms over the Hinterlands yet, and feeds off the hatred and blood that wet the earth and flow on the wind.
The promise was captivating roleplay of battle and intrigue—and it was kept! The guilds of our community come together on this scale from time to time and it truly makes the world feel alive and offers so much potential for interacting with other cultures, people and beliefs, whether it be by the clash of blade or the cut of words.
While the hectic nature of these battlefield moments do not make for the most aesthetic of snapshots, they attest to the fun and the scale of our roleplaying moments, so go on and have a look!
Arikara! Theia-shoush ahmen, Saurfang Legion!