[H-RP] Hand of the Titans is recruiting! Now also open to Alliance!

As the faction conflict between the Horde and the Horde rages on, the Hand might soon find itself torn between loyalty, self-preservation and an apparently outdated belief that honour is cool.

The plot thickens! Baine gets arrested, the Hand gets itself involved in a political incident that might or might not be above our paygrade, the officers have Opinions, the champion has an idea, the loyalist is imprisoned, the zealot is back, and the elves are scheming.

And things haven’t even started to get truly hectic yet!

Quick! Execute the traitors before it’s too late!

I would like to ask a few questions in this manner if that is alright.

From what I read, your Hand seems fairly well aligned with my views, and those of my acquaintances.

I do not approve of the way the Horde is run these days (I may be Forsaken, but I am not evil - although, admittedly, I might look the part); without honor, cheap-shotting our enemies, and slaughtering our own.

Did I read your shared reports correctly if I assume you somewhat agree with that?

Lastly, as you may know, we knights of the Ebon Blade hear voices… whispers… I sometimes feel as if I am trying to live several different lives at once, (even though, technically, I am not alive at all!) and it is quite exhausting. Thus, I may be away, unavailable for extended periods of time (ooc: many alts and too much RL). Is that acceptable in your organization?

(As you have asked your questions from an IC perspective, I will answer you likewise. To be in touch further, I hope to contact you ingame so we can set up an actual interview. I will be away on Friday, but you can find me online on Anroka, Gosa, Caerule, Asperia, Xyra, Zajara or Arctius (-Moonglade) in the Hand of the Titans on the other days)

Okay, let’s take this talk out of the public eye. There.

Right, you will want to avoid talk about disagreeing how the Horde is run in public. They just arrested Baine Bloodhoof and the hunt is on for further traitors.

You’re right that the Hand of the Titans have been outspoken about the direction of the Horde. This war is losing the Horde all that it stands for. We are hoping to see this change, but that change can no longer come from pushing our opinion on this openly, for now. That does not mean however, that we do nothing…

As for availability, the Hand of the Titans are not the army. Most of us have other duties and jobs that limit our availability. You come to missions and gatherings, when you are available. If you are not, then that is not a problem. More attendance means an easier time getting promoted, of course. But you’ll be a valued member regardless of how often you are available.

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“The Hand is more a… ‘Death and Destruction’ kind of Group.” - Champion Anroka Scaleslicer
That might be taken out of context. Either way, we could need more lifebinders.

I hesitate to ask, as I feel this is something I should know, but… Do you mean healers?

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Yep! The Hand’s healers are called Lifebinders in honour of Eonar.


Hello, some of you may know me through the lectures of the Botany Band. I’ve been thinking of creating a Horde character to RP, and I realise that if I wish to join the Hand I would need to get to level 20 before applying so I’m mainly asking for advise. I’m still relatively new to both WoW and RPing, my lore knowledge is limited. Most of my current knowledge I will admit comes from interacting with other RP characters. I’ve met several of your members who have been very kind to my gnome, I would be very interested in joining the Hand after creating my Horde character and getting it to the level 20 needed to apply, but I know that is a bit away. Any advise you’d be willing to offer would be very helpful.


Linaria beat me to the answer, hehe. Also, sorry for being unclear; that’s on me and not you!


You can always /w any of us when your Hordie is up and running, to ask for pointers or help with quests or so. Also, it’s a perfect time to start level a new character this Sunday, when Darkmoon Faire is up again. Ride the carousel or the roller coaster to get 10% increased xp for an hour. Armor heirlooms gives xp boosts too.


I made my Horde character today, and I’ve got her up to level 20 already.

I decided to make a Pandaren Hunter fresh from the Wandering Isle. Her name is Shihong, and she only remembers what Ji Firepaw said about the Horde before he left and the little information older pandarens’ that had already left had sent back, vague though their messages are.

She had no idea about the war until she arrived at Orgrimmar, and saw all the soldiers.


Oh jeez. Poor Shihong. She has no idea what she’s getting into! Rest assured, we will make a rebel out of her–uh, I mean, what? Nothing. Nothing to see here…

We’re usually online in the evenings so that’s a good time to poke Anroka and ask for an interview. I’m looking foward to meeting Shihong!


Pardon my curiosity, but how is Shihong doing? I ran into her in Orgrimmar a week or two ago, and I have been “out of town” since then. Did she join the Hand? :sunglasses:


Yep, Shihon joined the Hand.


I noticed through some discreet investigation that she has gained significant experience since I met her. I think the Hand made a good decision taking her in.


The Hand is always happy to adopt some good eggs. 8)

…And weary war veterans who desperately try to make a difference and save the innocent, despite sometimes crumbling under the weight of their trauma and self-deprecation.


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Just to clarify, are we talking about you or me? :thinking:
I’m not that self-deprecating… :roll_eyes: I think. (As long as I don’t …think… too much…)
I’m not sure if we’ve met; I am a relatively new Hand of the Titans. But I suppose my reputation might precede me…

I was talking about many of our members, including the entire officer cadre. x)
So… case in point! :stuck_out_tongue:


The Hand is excited to greet many new recruits! :blush:

Now, let’s get this rebellion business–I mean, what? No, nothing! We are definitely not indulging in some good ol’ fashioned sabotage later this week!