Looking for a home

There’s a few RP guilds on the server but Horde side most definitely trumps activity of that from Alliance, so I guess it all depends on what type of home you’re seeking! I can only recommend RP thus far, as I’m not sure on guilds on the server who are primarily OOC so hopefully someone else can recommend there!

My guild, Wayward Vagrants, are always looking for some new blood if you fancy adventure, gold, drinking and bloody shenanigans, if you have any characters of the sellsword inclined or an adrenaline junkie on Horde side.

I can also heavily recommend Convocation of Elrendar if you like elves/Forsaken and magic stuff! (They regularly snort azerite for the giggles!). We’re proud to have a lovely little partnership with them IC, frequently joining eachother for anti-void adventures!

There’s also the Hand of the Titans and Beastmaw Warband if you fancy something more heroic and Horde-inclined!

I don’t know enough about the Alliance side of guilds to recommend but I know there’s Botany Band if you’re into flower pickin’ and dabbling who host events every Monday, I think and a newly started Tower of Krasha!

I hope you find a home soon :smiley: best of luck!