A letter finds its way to you somehow, it may have flown to you in the shape of an origami bird, or simply arrived in your chosen mail receptical, it may have even just appeared on your desk or fallen out of a portal into your hand, but it is definitely addressed to you.
This is to invite you to the semi regular Horde Mages Conclave, hosted on the 12th of February, please begin gathering by the Fountain on Sunstrider isle at 19:30 for a prompt start at 20:00. The agenda will be focused on the Old Gods and efforts to combat them, chairing the meeting will be Zyretha Snowdawn, with Magistrix Cym’rys Silverblood as the Scribe. We look forward to your attendance, be it the first time or returning.
Suns Guidance
The Mages Conclave.
P.S Please find the Agenda attached.”
Attached to the letter is what appears to be a short and well decorated agenda outlining the topics and times.
Date: 12 Feb 2020
Time: 19:30 for 20:00
Closing: Latest finish is 23:30, but if all the discussions finish before then, then the meeting will finish earlier.
Location: Fountain on Sunstrider Isle.
Chair: Zyretha Snowdawn
Scribe: Magistrix Cym’rys Silverblood
20:00 - Welcome
-Summary of Cross Faction Meeting of Mages
-Summary of Cross Faction Meeting of Paladins
-Old God activity in Uldum & The Vale: Breakdown and discussion
-Call to Action
-Working with the Alliance
23:00 - Closing Remarks and Discussions.
23:30 - Meeting Close.
Hi! We are once again hosting the Mages Conclave, this is a Horde Mages/Magic users gathering to discuss the latest lore points and a chance to advertise your events and meet other mages! This is a strictly Horde Magic users gathering, please see the full ruleset below. We look forward to your attendance, whether this is your first time joining us or you are a regular attendant! Please feel free to bring along other magic user friends who may be interested!
-The Chair runs the meeting and dictates its flow
-The Conclave reserves the right to ban anyone from attending
-Please keep any IC conflicts for after the meeting
-Please dont mix in any OOC conflicts you may have into the Roleplay
-Be polite OOC, we understand that IC bigotry exists, however, once again, we reserve the right to ICly eject you from the meeting.
-Please do not deviate from the current topic
-You may bring your apprentice, but not a non-magical bodyguard
-Apprentices are welcome to attend solo