Thank you very much for hosting! We had a blast and it has really made our week very special! We will be coming to the next for certain!
Kosh’harg finale and End.
The purple peach skies of Nagrand were as they always have been for us as guests within Garadar, very few can recall the skies here before they broke. There is a feeling of memory locked into the stones at the Throne of the Elements, something raw and powerful that touches every person gathered.
The turning of the seasons, the moving forward with the lives we share and the forging of new bonds. New stories await in the seasons to come and new journeys stand ready to be taken.
A very special thank you to all those who helped run and organise the contests and events, much love to Naroda/Takkat/Orilog/Thundertaker, our friends in the Solstice Bazaar for the lovely addition of the Talehat, Korkosh of Blood Howl for the triumphant return of the Drinking Contest, and our lovely Shaman Gang of Zi’tani/Gloommaw/Harkha/Thundertaker for their efforts in bringing our ceremonies and rituals to life!
And a massive thank you to each and every person who came along and invested time in the festival we’ve just shared, it has been a pleasure to host games and ceremonies with quite so many members of the Horde and the energy and Rp you’ve brought to every night of the festival is what makes the whole thing worth it. We look forward to once again seeing you all in Nagrand again when the Winter closes and we return in Spring.
But until that time. Safe journeys.
Aka’magosh Horde friends.
Thank you for a great Kosh’harg! As always it is a great joy to attend it!
Al’diel Shala!
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