The cycle turns, the passes in the mountains thaw. Winter begins to fade away as the seasons change. New life grows and birds chirrup their love song on the air, warmth returns to the land and though the shadows begin to grow longer the season will not be defeated or crushed under them.
Our stories blossom as flowers on the trees, looking to this waking world with the kindling of culture and aspirations. We have made new friends, welcoming the Dracthyr and Earthen among the ranks of the Horde and we have journeyed down into the depths of the world. Though there have been great losses along the way,r no adventure delving into the dark comes without risk, we continue forward to expand the Horizon in Azeroth and beyond.
Take heart though that this is a moment for the Horde to come together in Garadar. To share our stories in the crumbling last stand of Outland. We will have our contests and celebrations here buying a moment of reflection that got us to this place and kindle that fire within preparing us all for the adventures still to come.
Let us celebrate together the traditions of our people at this honoured Orcish festival. There will be activities, competitions and remembrance all packed into a single week of feasting and festival.
So to any in the Horde who would show honour to these great traditions,
join us in welcoming in the coming year and all that it will bring with it!
Monday, 24th of March
20.00 - Opening Ceremony, Speeches and Welcoming.
21.00 - Saddles of Treachery.Tuesday, 25th of March
20.00 - Sign ups begin for Archery Contest both expert and Beginners.
20.30 - Skywise Archery event begins.21.30 - Marathon Sign ups begin.
22.00 - Garadar MarathonWednesday, 26th of March
20:00: Om’riggor gathers.
20.30 Om’riggor begins.Thursday, 27th of March
20.00 - Brawl’gar.
21.00 - Campfire Cook-offFriday, 28th of March
20.00 - Rite of Spring
22.00 - Ritual of the Dead.
22.00 - Unclean Pyre.Saturday, 29th of March
20.00 - Winter’s Endurance
Sunday, 30th of October
20:00: Closing Ceremony.
Note: A few events may begin later than listed, this is due to events before them over running.
Note: There may be more added to this list as events are confirmed.
Opening Ceremony
The official opening of the first Kosh’harg of the new year! Guests will be welcomed and a short ritual will bless the festival and its visitors.
Saddles of Treachery
We have four particularly rowdy wolves, specially trained for one purpose: To throw you on the ground! Can you stay in the saddle or will these mighty beasts earn a treat?
Rite of Spring
The magic of Spring fills the grasslands giving hope for the future even here in this broken world, those who are making plans for the season to come gather together for the Rite of Spring. A fertility ritual.
Skywise Archery Contest
There has long been a tradition at Kosh’harg for the hunters of the Horde to show their exquisite skills with bows in a contest of target archery. This contest is open to Archers of any skill and has been divided into Beginners and Expert Archers.
Nagrand Marathon
A foot race where competitors run through the spectacular plains of Nagrand just like the ancestors of old did, this is more than tourism though speed and running skills are needed.
No weapons, no armour, no spells. Just as nature intended it! This is a contest of pure brawn and tenacity, as contestants fight one another until one of them surrenders or gets knocked out…
A traditional rite of adulthood among the orcish people, the Om’riggor offers a chance for younglings who have not yet earned a name for themselves to take their first step upon the path to glory!
Campfire Cook-off
More than just a cooking challenge this is cookery with a twist, budding chef’s from across the worlds will be given a select few ingredients native to the Outlands and they will have a short time to cookt hem up - but who knows what might happen during the cook off.
Remembrance of the Dead
Those that wish to make an offering to the honoured dead will embark on a pilgrimage to Oshu’gun. Though headed by the Winter Sun Clan’s spiritualists, all orcs are invited to enter these sacred halls and will be invited to speak words of the fallen and leave offerings of their own.
The Unclean Pyre
A recent addition to the night of Remembrance, the unclean pyre is a chance for those who attend the Kosh’harg festival who are not orcs to pay their respects for their fallen in the hills close to Oshu’gun at a separate pyre.
Winter’s Endurance
A traditional competition where challengers are set a gruelling collection of tasks testing their wits, physical strength and agility around the town of Garadar - do you have what it takes to become Winter’s Champion until the next Kosh’harg?
Closing Ceremony
As the Kosh’harg Festival draws to a close, a final ceremony will be hosted to thank all visitors for joining in on the celebrations and to give any final offerings to the revered ancestors by placing them inside the belly of the wicker beast.
Grand Market
Though visitors are welcome to peddle their wares throughout the entire Kosh’harg week, there will be a single evening when the vendors and market stall holders come together to fill the streets of Garadar with their finest of wares from across all of the worlds!
From simple trade goods to the most exquisite wares you will not find anywhere else at any other time, come and buy the finest items or sell your own!
Come along to Kosh’harg and bring your friends for this fantastic delve into Orcish Culture and Tradition among the Horde.
OOC details:
We live in an unprecedented time of unity between the Horde and Alliance. Alas even though such things are fundamentally changing the nature of our relationship, news travels slowly and the guards in Nagrand will still give Alliance members a rough night should they attend the festival. Things have to be Horde only.
Traditionally twice a year the orcish clans continue to lay down their weapons and set aside their differences in order to honour the ancient ancestors and have a roaring good festival. The joys we celebrate now are founded on the long history of our peoples and festivals such as this one are here to uphold tradition and remind us of how far we have come. Be you orc, troll, tauren or otherwise, this Kosh’harg is open to all people of the Horde who wish to take a moment - however brief - to lay down their weapons and to unwind in the sanctity of the Land of Winds, Nagrand.
Due to the nature of the event, it goes without saying that - as always - any who choose to attend this event are requested to be at their best behaviour.
Being a festival of peace and concord, there will be no place for petty disputes, warmongering, political agendas, sudden demon attacks or whatever else that might disrupt the theme of the event. A lot of time has been put into organising all of the events that are on offer and your fellow participants have all come here to have a good time, so for all of our sake, please keep this in mind if you choose to pay a visit to this lighthearted occasion.