Now that the Kosh’harg is over, it is time to say it; So far the high point of my RP in 2021!
From -reluctantly- doing the riddle contest as a member of the Reluctants, participating in a live butchering of an elekk in the form of the Tribute of Garadar and to finally witness the closing ceremony and the following tournament, Worggrim met many people that he could legitimately call a friend, and some folks that he will remember for the rest of his life, despite his less than credible memory.
On Friday, two shamans and a half-draenei offered their aid in cleansing a void-corrupted axe that the half-ogre took from a villanous bonecrusher! Because of their success, the axe is now in opposition towards villany, rather than an instrument of it!
So once again, thank you to the Red Blade hosts for arranging the Kosh’harg event, and thanks for all the RP that interacted with this character.
See you at the next Kosh’harg, if one is organized!
Just wanted to say once again, Thank you to the Red Blade for organizing this! It’s been a blast to attend the festival! From the friends made, to the stories made and told, I am likely going to remember this whole thing for a long while!
Also, I realised. Due to my victory in the final tournament, I Guess you could say the Tournament of Blades got Smashed.