[H-RP] Mercenary Contract: Karaba Bloodhands. (29 July! Incompetent fighters welcome!)


A new wanted poster can be found on the notice board in the Crossroads.

Wanted dead or alive for the murder of farmer Huk and his mate Krika, as well as repeated crimes of theft, three cases of arson and one case of indecent exposure. Karaba was last seen setting up camp near the road south of Nozzlepot’s Outpost. Beware, she might be intoxicated!
A bounty of 35 gold may be collected from Thork.
An additional bounty of 5 gold will be paid for the head of Gorestomp, Karaba’s boar companion.

Pinned to said poster is a small note written on a rather dirty scrap of paper.

Asha Grimtotem is looking for group to claim this bounty.
Find me at the Crossroads Inn.


Hello there!

Since Dulvarinn won’t be running the Band’s lecture on the 29th and it left a void in my heart (:green_heart::herb:), I figured I’ll drown my sorrows in silly little RP on my silly not-so-little Tauren. And since I love Sha’glade Cartel very much, I figured I might post about it here just in case someone else wishes to join my little group on our quest to greatness, riches, and all that stuff. This concept is an awkward lovechild of a few ideas I’ve been wanting to try for a long time now.

So, what am I offering? Low-stakes-low-reward standalone mercenary RP! Because I’ve always wanted to do mercenary RP, I’m always happy to dust off my less-played alts, and I love me a rags-to-riches story. Although for poor Asha, who has aspirations to become a famous mercenary, it will be mostly rags. For the sake of capturing the spirit of the event, this RP is open to small-scale warriors, aspiring adventurers and other characters of relatively low IC power.

WHEN? Monday (29 July), at 20:00 server time.
WHERE? The Crossroads.

This will be a relaxed adventure in the typical HotT scripted fashion, with some opportunity for everyone’s favourite–that is walk RP–and one combat encounter. Got an alt you don’t play often? Want to give RP a try? Poke me @ Asha-Moonglade for a group invite!


How low can the character’s actual power in-game be?

I have some Horde alts, but most are barely level 10…


Oh, please take some screenshots and share a recap of what took place :cherry_blossom:
What a fun idea! :fireworks:


Hey Grawle! By low power I meant low in-character power! As in, simple warriors as opposed to experienced veterans who would potentially one-punch-KO poor Karaba.

The event is in the Barrens so you should be perfectly fine joining on a lvl 10 character! Plus OOCly Asha is a big bad lvl 90-something tauren who can keep the pesky lions away. :smirk_cat:


Thank you, highs and lows (level characters) for this! Was a nice, exciting and entertaining experience, and I sense that mispronunciations of my name may cause some gnashing of my tusks…


Big thank you to everyone who showed up! We ended up with twice the numbers I initially expected, which was as surprising as it was delightful.

…And I’m so happy I finally got to run an event where the big bad was essentially a chunk of very stale bacon. Priorities!


Surprisingly, it was the closest any of my chars have come to ‘death’ and it wasn’t Shi!


Screenshot delivery! Thank you for your order! :yum:



Oh! :open_mouth: Yours look so dark and dramatic… :milky_way: Did you use Inky Black Potion?


Thank you so much for posting these for me!

That feeling when Blizzard says you’re too shady to post pictures, so you bypass it by having a trustworthy friend… x)

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You can always rely on me :two_hearts:


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