[H-RP-PVP] Dark rituals and attack on Darkshire

Darkshire did not survive the massacre. Women, old men… not even the children´s lives were spared. They came at night, when we were all exhausted after a long day working on the fields. Nobody could have ever foreseen such an unspeakable evil arriving in our lands.

Rumors said some people had gone missing in the previous days. Some foreign folks had ventured within the woods aiming to find the source of all those undead skeletons lurking around the shire. They had come from Stormwind, or so they said, booty hunters who were seeking a juicy reward from the city council. We had not seen them for some days, so we thought they would have died, just like many other before. However, what triggered all alarms was the moment Brenda Schmirten realized her little girl had vanished. Later that day we knew that Horace´s sons had disappeared too. All our neighbors were mobilized in the search, but all was in vain.

We had not given up hope. But suddenly, when nothing could go worse, the attackers showed up in our homes. Screaming in their guttural language, by the time we noticed what was happening it was already too late. Hundreds of undead took our village. Also some orcs, tauren and trolls, yet mainly undead. Dressed up in dark robes, with their jaws still covered in fresh human blood, they slaughtered everyone they found on their way. I hid beneath my bed, hoping that they would just go away without noticing about my hideout. I just can´t remember how I managed to escape. Yet I did. All the village was burned to the ground. My cousins´home was in flames. Also the stables and the bakery. The Night Watch was trying to resist, but I saw many of them fall.

I fled north until I reached Redrige. I still shiver when I remember that night. But the Alliance has been warned. Some say they call themselves the Cult of the Dead. We will make our stand and strike back. Justice will be serve… some day.

Dear All,

The Cult of the Dead has celebrated its first internal dark ritual and it has been a total success! Not to throw flowers at ourselves, but IMHO this has been one of the most massive RP events this server has ever had.

During the Dark Ceremony, we kidnapped Alliance players (real ones and against their will, using mind control) and brought them to our Cult base. After the Dark Ritual, we all rode towards Darkshire and we slaughtered all enemies we found. I must say NO MAN escaped alive!

To see some screenshots, please refer to the Zandalar Tribe RP Discord Server. We will be hosting more events in the future, and some will be open to other guilds!

Darkest regards

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