[H] [RP-PvP] [Tribunal]

It has been several hours now since the sound of horns have reached Grom’gol and set the guards on edge.

It didn’t take long for the first to arrive either. Outriders? Likely rushed down from Booty Bay, or maybe the arena? They said more would come and for the past few hours every zeppelin that arrived in the camp brought in another troop.

They, of course, are the Tribunal.

Now, they fill the camp, spread around the courtyard, huddled over dice or sharpening their weapons, with some up in the towers overlooking the jungle. Whilst Grom’gol usually only houses a small guard garrison to protect the camp from the nearby jungle trolls, it is now home to an invasion force.

Tension is tangible, increasing with every new arrival and only occasionally broken up by the sudden burst of laughter or the sounds of a skirmish from the dice players.

The mood suddenly shifts with the arrival of the latest zeppelin and just as several cloaked figures appear from the zeppelin tower, a flock of birds breaks the tree line to the north.

A few seconds of eerie silence follow as the entire camp waits with bated breath. A horn call, closer now, and again, this time louder, urgency in its tone. All eyes turn to the newly arrived figures at the base of zeppelin tower, anticipation thick in the air.

“Ride out! Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death!”

Another day in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale.

Tribunal is a PvP guild on the Horde side who wishes celebrate the return of world PvP with the launch of Classic. Initially, we will focus on reminding the Alliance that they live in a hostile world with every opportunity we get. Once phase 3 begins, we will also look to be forming several pre-made BG groups to rank up.

What to expect:

  • An opportunity to make a name for yourself and strike fear in the hearts and minds of Alliance scum at the sight of our guild tag.
  • Strong camaraderie through constant strive (ganking and counter-ganking will be the norm).
  • Invasions of Alliance towns / RP events.
  • Monitoring the WorldDefense channel for PvP opportunities.
  • (Phase 3) Running pre-made BG groups to rank up those that are interested in doing so.
  • (Potentially) providing security detail for Horde RP events.

What it means to be judge, jury and executioner in the Tribunal:

  • Being an upstanding member of the Horde by respecting the ToS and RP server guidelines; we want warriors, not jackasses. The Tribunal aims to have a good name with the Horde, do what you like to the Alliance.
  • Have a passion for (organised) PvP.
  • Have a sense of humour and self awareness.

What not to expect:

  • Whilst we are very serious about PvP, we are aware that many of us are at the age of having jobs and/or families, so we don’t expect ‘hardcore’ play times. We’re just here to kill the Alliance, the time you want to spend doing this we leave up to you. We do, however, expect you to try and fit in and be social of course.
  • PvE raiding won’t be organised internally, but that doesn’t mean we won’t look at opportunities of setting up a raiding community with friendly guilds to accommodate it for those that want to.
  • Tribunal is mostly an OOC guild and won’t really offer much RP within the guild, however, we might occasionally join in PvP themed RP events if there is an appetite for this. If you do want to wear the Tribunal tag IC, simply consider us as a splinter group that does not accept the peace agreement between the Horde and the Alliance after the Third War. Why do we not accept the agreement? I leave that up to your own character. :slight_smile:

Does this sound interesting to you? Get in touch!

Discord: AWbCDug


Bumperino boys!
LF Warrior to dice up some gnomes and give some love for our troll ladies.
Discord: Discord.gg/AWbCDug

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Heck yeah brothers, lets kill some aliance

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Swiggity swooty, we comin’ for that blue booty

Bump for glory and more melee players.

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lok’tar bump ogar

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Brothers and sisters of the Horde unite! Let us crush the alliance!

Bump me baby one more time!