Rumours have begun spreading that approximately a week ago, the assistant innkeeper working at Crossroads, an aging orc named Roggok, with a poor back due to an old war wound, was attacked. He was seen following a blonde-haired, golden-eyed elven woman dressed in blue and white, who was veiling her face in white, out of the inn.
He was later discovered robbed and seriously injured. An off-duty Brave, Dakota Trailstrider, was found injured alongside him, apparently due to having selflessly run to defend Roggok. Both had been left to lay dying outside Crossroads.
The first statements from the pair states that Roggok followed the siren she-elf outside of Crossroads, where he was ambushed by her compatriots, among whom were at least a hat-wearing goblin and a robed female, who was possibly an orc.
The culprits are believed to be still at large.
We are the Sixty Thieves,
Pull our daggers from their sheathes,
Push them up against your throat,
And from your purse your gold we’ll goad.
We are the Sixty Thieves,
Pull some scams no-one believes,
Swindle your shirt off your chest,
Just give up for we know best.
We are the Sixty Thieves,
Cut man’s purse while he dry heaves,
Slip some poison in their drink,
Take a sip and they can’t think.
We are the Sixty Thieves,
Wipe our brow, pull up our sleeves,
Chop down a tree on your path,
Take your things you do the math.
We are the Sixty Thieves,
All the things the gang achieves,
Planned and thought through in the dark,
Come and join to earn your mark.
Following the deaths of ‘Hollow’ and ‘Catcher’ late last year, the Sixty Thieves’ streak of bad luck continued as they found themselves back in trouble with a foe they thought they had already eliminated. One thing led to another, and the thieves were soon driven out of their dear home and forced into hiding, narrowly avoiding casualties - though at a great financial cost.
The following weeks were spent mostly recuperating in Quel’thalas, until they came across what seemed like a great opportunity to compensate for the coin they had lost. The thieves got to work, and soon enough, rumours began to spread in the High Kingdom that an estate had collapsed into the sea under dubious circumstances following some form of magical explosion, only days before the property along with its movables was due to being auctioned off. While the rumours don’t suggest the events had any association to the Sixty Thieves, the job still left a bittersweet aftertaste in the gang’s mouth, as despite them leaving the site richer than they had entered it, the (accidental) explosion had left them short of one goblin. Though not particularly well-liked in life, ‘Beast’ still seemed to leave an impact in his death.
While a part of the gang chose to stay behind in Quel’thalas to nurse their injuries from past events, the rest arranged for travel back to Kalimdor. Now that some of the dust at home has hopefully settled, they intend to begin evening some scores and make up for all the many losses they’ve suffered in recent months, though whether their luck will turn remains to be seen. While they’re at it, they are also keeping an eye out for new potential candidates into the family, especially from the vast group of new arrivals to the capital; the vulpera, with whom they seem to have a great deal in common.
Guild Forums:
Argent Archives:
Another while has passed and the thieves have now fully returned to Kalimdor, spreading back on the streets of Orgrimmar once more in the search of pockets to empty.
The future looks as uncertain as ever, as even the gang seemed to have suffered under the current ongoings of the world, even if it might have been beyond comprehension for many of the coin-hungry thieves.
The past few Tuesday’s of the month, the money-making Prixxi has began erecting a stall in the corner of Orgrimmar to sell off Sixty Thieves’ goods to the proud citizens of the Horde. Of course, for obvious reasons, ‘Sixty Thieves’ is not the name associated to the stall or any of it’s arguably stolen wares.
“Copperscrew Company”, the facade used to safely trade on wares for coin, will likely become a weekly, if not bi-weekly thing in the valleys of Orgrimmar. Come by, come buy!
The chance to browse and buy will begin at 19:00 RT onward, for as long as the merchant characters have the will to keep the stall up.
Guild Forums:
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Do you enjoy a good mugging? Or perhaps scamming unaware citizens of their well earned coin? Or is sitting back and peddling illicit drugs and stolen wares more your style? What ever it may be, we at the Sixty Thieves have it all! Join today to earn your pay!
Tuesday’s “Copperscrew & Co.” stall nights had a rather abrupt break after the Sixty Thief that hosted them got her backside handed to her by a certain band of Orcish Raiders. And so, this band of no-good criminals tasted first-hand the consequence of highwaymanning the roads of Durotar. The law, as always, proves to be a challenging opponent.
The thieves, now licking their wounds, surely have some plans up their sleeves to turn a coin from the citizens of Orgrimmar in future days.
Guild Forums:
Argent Archives:
Hello there, fellow roleplayers!
After a run-time of almost one and a half decades, the Sixty Thieves will be going on its first official hiatus. This means that we will no longer be recruiting, nor will we be creating roleplaying content for any members under the guild tag. It’s possible that we may rekindle the guild once more in the future (and hence the use of the word “hiatus”), but if so, it’s not certain what form or shape the guild might then take.
We want to thank all our members both old and new for the amazing roleplay and fond memories we have made together during these 14 years; it has been a blast and an honour to be sharing this unforgettable experience with all of you. Similarly, we want to thank the community as a whole for providing our members with pockets to pick, caravans to rob, and customers to sell to, as well as grunts to hunt us down and rivals to murder us when things have gone south. Our roleplay has always been heavily dependent on the community, and the great welcome we’ve had here on this realm ever since we migrated from Defias Brotherhood in 2015 has been heartwarming. We’ve been happy to call this place our home and interact with all of you – and will continue to do so in our other ventures on the server.
We have no doubt that crime will continue to flourish even in our absence!
- The Hanged
A salute to you guys.
I remember you guys when you first appeared on QT scene.
Sad to see you’re taking a break (I hope it is a break).
It has been an honour and a privilege to have partaken in your guild’s storyline. I wish you all best of luck in whatever roleplay you choose to pursue from here, with the obvious hopes that you’ll return one day.
The Sixty Thieves have been the gold standard for criminal RP for as long as I can remember. Your events and storylines inspired countless others to venture into criminal RP, both Horde and Alliance. I hope we see the Sixty Thieves return again some day, and thank you for all the awesome RP you guys created throughout the years!
All hail the Bandit King!
Years ago this guild picked me up from the dusty streets of Orgrimmar, taught me roleplay from scratch and showed me the thrill and juice of high-risk high-reward conflict RP.
I love you guys and am immensely grateful.
I wish you the best <3
I regret not having spent more time on Argent Dawn and especially interacting with you guys.
As a former grunt roleplayer, I can say that interacting with the community will always be a mixed bag. Sixty Thieves was and is the exception to that rule.
Whenever I saw a member with the Sixty Thieves tag I knew that I was interacting with a person who was paying attention and keeping their wits about them.
As a result, you and your members always inspired me to be on my toes and do my utmost to keep up with you.
Your are an inspiration to the community and I am sure that whatever decision you ultimately end up making, it will be thought-through and level-headed.
As a guild or individual players, I salute you all and thank you for making Azeroth so much more immersive than it would have been without you.
Best of luck to you all.
*Edit for typos. That’s what I get for typing this on my phone.
Damn, always top quality RP from these guys. Hope to see them around again sometime.
Unfortunantly nothing lasts forever, but at times a much needed break can breathe new life into creativity and shelved projects. Good luck with whatever the people involved with the Guild during the years will try and do/create on AD next!
Had nothing but great and often spontaneous RP with those of you I’ve RPed with in Sixty Thieves on my Forest Troll Tohga’jin. Sad that the guild is on a break but I hope to see you again some day.
Will miss these guys. One of the best rp guilds on AD for me to see around and interact with, if not the best. Lovely people all around. Hope you will return one day, stronger and sneakier than ever!
Sincerely, a former Ghost 
Remember doing some RP with these guys along with the Rotgarde back in the day - nothing but good experiences!
I admit that I didn’t ever got to interact with them as far as I remember, but they seemed to be a good bunch, and I wish you the best, wherever you’ll be and whatever you’ll do.