[H-RP] Sixty Thieves - Going on Hiatus

— On hiatus; recruitment has been closed! —

I knew I was wrong, and yet I persisted. I had not spent one hour in the company of an honest person. I had lived in an atmosphere of larceny, theft, crime. I thought in terms of theft. Houses were built to be burglarized, citizens were to be robbed, law to be avoided and hated, stool pigeons to be chastised, and thieves to be cultivated and protected. That was my code; the code of my companions. That was the atmosphere I breathed.

J. Black, You Can’t Win (1926)

Who are the Sixty Thieves?

The Sixty Thieves consist of a wide variety of crooks and criminals, coming from different backgrounds and walks of life. While many thieves are in it for the money, some regard their profession as a way of striking back at a society that so cruelly discarded them, and a rarer few have a more heroic attitude, of relieving the rich of their money to help the people of the slums (or perhaps just themselves in particular). Either way, the thieves live their life by blood and silver, and every coin is a victory to be treasured.

The gang is held together by a mutually beneficial relationship. It provides protection, shelter and companionship for its members, as well as resources and aid in pulling off bigger heists. It also offers a place to form bonds of trust – a rare luxury in the criminal underworld. The thieves need to be able to trust each other to survive, and so each thief safeguards the secrets of his fellow, knowing full well the damning evidence against him his companions could provide, should he betray his oaths. Friendship and trust are encouraged between members, and a family atmosphere is endorsed, as members are most often outcasts with no family or home of their own. The Sixty Thieves look after their own.

What do they do?

The Sixty Thieves commit a variety of crimes as they work towards their goals. These acts include (but are not limited to) petty thievery such as pickpocketing, mugging, and burglary, as well as less hands-on acts such as blackmailing, scamming, and dealing various narcotics and stolen goods on the nightly city streets. Similarly, the thieves are infamous for pulling off numerous bigger heists, targeting anyone and anything rich enough to sate their ever-growing greed. In the past, many higher-scale burglaries and caravan raids have been attributed to the Sixty Thieves.

Although some of its members’ rather violent nature is recognised by many, it is known that the family prefers to refrain from inflicting unnecessary bloodshed. Corpses draw attention, attention brews trouble, and trouble heralds more corpses – a vicious cycle that the gang likes to avoid. With this in mind, the Sixty Thieves are willing to carry out a variety of contracts given to them by outsiders – granted that they’ve got the coin – whether it is to do with roughening up an old rival or retrieving or transporting items of interest. The gang is up for near everything that is within the boundaries of their code and skillset, as long as a promise of gold is involved.

How to find them?

The gang’s presence would seem most apparent in the towns of Ratchet and Booty Bay, which offer plenty of opportunities for those walking the path of crime, owing to their neutrality and ever-so-busy ports. Thus, those interested in becoming a part of the family, would probably try to seek them out there. However, the gang’s influence reaches to the far corners of the world, and it is almost as likely to bump into a thief in any of the racial capitals, though in these places, they tend to go into greater extents to conceal their identity.

A member of the Sixty Thieves can also be recognised by a scar or brand in the shape of a cross – if one knows to look for it –, which stands somewhere on their flesh as a symbol of their undying loyalty and contribution to the good of the family. A bit more rarely, a thief might be seen clad in a brown piece of cloth with a printed golden cross across the chest, shameless and unafraid to show their affiliation with the Sixty Thieves, for good or ill.

How would one go about joining them?

Upon contacting the Sixty Thieves with the intention of joining their ranks, the potential initiate is brought to the most skilled and able members of the gang, who act as its leading figures. They will scrutinize the skill and trustworthiness of the individual, deciding whether they have a place in the family. Obviously, the gang is more inclined to recruit lowly slum dogs with nothing to lose, and who will therefore dedicate themselves most enthusiastically to the family, and to thievery in general.

Whilst joining the Sixty Thieves opens plenty of opportunities for those walking the path of a criminal, applying can also mean closing certain doors. It should be kept in mind that though the gang cannot always keep track of everyone’s doings, seeking to abandon or betray the family is heavily frowned upon. Many of those who have attempted such, have seemed to – perhaps rather discouragingly – disappear with naught but rumours speculating their possible fate. Loyalty and security are valued above all else.

How does applying work in practice?

If we’ve caught your interest, we ask you to write an application on our forums (link provided below), following the instructions given there. Should the application be approved, matters will be taken IC, potentially leading up to a trial period during which your character gets the chance to prove their worth.

Guild rules:

We are a criminal guild and expect our members to partake in criminal RP. All members are expected to partake in the guild’s key activity: committing crime. Most of our roleplay revolves around concepts of criminality, and thus we require a certain level of commitment to the theme from each of our members.

Do not metagame/poweremote. Keeping IC and OOC apart is increasingly important in conflict roleplay, and thus we have little tolerance towards metagaming of any kind. We, the players, are usually privy to a lot more knowledge than our characters. Similarly, it is forbidden to write any emotes that dictate the outcome for your target, denying them the chance to have an impact on the situation. All emotes are to be attempts, unless agreed on beforehand.

Do not break the game’s lore. Every member is expected to stay true to the game’s setting, following the official World of Warcraft lore. However, we acknowledge that the lore contains a number of grey areas, and so if you have any lore-related questions, do not hesitate to discuss it with the officers.

Be mature and respectful of others. Members of the guild are expected to behave maturely towards one another, keeping up a polite and friendly atmosphere. Respect everyone’s opinions, and the good-will will be returned. We have little tolerance for toxicity, and if personal arguments pop up, do try your best to keep them private.

Always stay in-character on /say, /emote, and /yell. We handle all of our out-of-character chatter through /guild or /whisper in-game, or our Discord channel out-of-game. Be respectful towards other roleplayers, and do not aggravate them or break their immersion by involving OOC chat in channels where it does not belong.

Pay consideration towards others when committing serious crimes. Respect their wishes and strive to ensure you have your target’s consent for heavy consequences such as death, extreme physical harm, or humiliation. Conflict roleplay can be intrusive and disruptive, and thus it is considered polite to whisper your victims beforehand.

Committed crimes must happen in actual roleplay. Any crimes that affect the gang’s finances and other businesses must happen either through events or random roleplay. This is both to promote roleplay with the community, and to ensure that the hard-working members that put time and effort into their crimes can stand out and be justly rewarded for their contribution. Any behind-the-scenes work is to be kept to the minimum.

We frown on cybering. While we don’t want to control what our members do via private channels, we do not tolerate public ERP of any kind, nor language suggestive of such towards minors. Any reports on breaking any of those premises will be thoroughly investigated by the officers, as will any indications of related abusive behaviour, or unwanted ERP solicitations towards other players.

All members of the Sixty Thieves should be ready to take consequences on the same level as the people we roleplay with. This means, for example, that we don’t need to be killable to opponents we do not deem to be such either, and in turn will not try to enforce severe consequences on other players if we’re not ready to receive the same consequences ourselves. In guild events, we expect unkillable characters to try avoiding situations in which the only sensible consequence to befall on them is death.

Officers to contact: Thalindor, Laerynna, Zria

Guild Forums: http://tinyurl.com/sixtythieves
Argent Archives: https://tinyurl.com/sixtyaa



What is this guild about, exactly?
The Sixty Thieves are a mixed-race Horde criminal guild here on Argent Dawn. Our main focus is on thievery, whether it be by pickpocketing, scamming, mugging, or running bigger heists. Additionally, we have fences to sell our stolen stock, spies and beggars to gather and sell intel, and muscle to keep the other thieves safe from harm. If you’re looking for a place to murder, torture, and assassinate people, then this is not the guild for you. Our goal is to provide an immersive thief experience to both our own members and those that we interact with, bringing some conflict to the world by acting as antagonists for it.

Are you recruiting?
We are recruiting. However, due to periodical high influxes of applicants, we sometimes place our applicants on a waiting list as to not flood the guild with too many new members at once. This is to ensure that we can give each of our members enough attention and guidance during the first weeks of their stay in the guild. As people either leave or are promoted, we gradually go up the waiting list. Additionally, we have implemented race caps as to not fill the guild with members of just one race, and instead maintain greater diversity for more interesting roleplay. We announce any and all effective race caps here on our forums: http://tinyurl.com/sixtyapply.

How does your stealing work?
The majority of our thieving happens via random interactions with the community. That said, we do understand that conflict RP is not everyone’s cup of tea, and thus take into consideration our targets’ wishes and refrain from committing any serious crimes without first being given the players’ OOC consent to do so. Additionally, we run DM’d guild events semi-regularly to steal from NPCs. All the items sold by the guild’s fences have been acquired from actual roleplay, stolen either via events or from other players, and thus always having a bit of history tied to them.

So, you don’t kill? What’s that about?
The Sixty Thieves refrain from killing people, whether they be player characters or NPCs. The IC reason for this is mostly practical, as corpses tend to draw greater attention from the law and in extension fiercer manhunts. Furthermore – though everyone in the guild are criminals – many of the thieves have not yet forsaken all of their morals. OOC, we believe that letting characters live can make for a better story and lead to less drama. That said, mistakes do sometimes happen IC, or the thieves are forced to cut loose ends in case of betrayals or other major threats.

How much can my character assume to know about the Sixty Thieves without actually having had interacted with them?
Any of the information provided on this thread up to the guild rules can be learned via various rumours and whispers spreading in the underworld.

Is it possible for any of your members to receive IC mail?
This is highly character dependant. If you’re wanting to send one of our members mail, you’d be best off asking them directly beforehand to ensure that it can indeed be received. It is, however, worth mentioning that most of our members have no real homes of their own, and rather use the guild’s hideouts as places to sleep; hideouts which are – of course – unknown to the public. There are some locations in which the Sixty Thieves are rumoured to hang out (e.g. Ratchet), so seeking them out in person might be a more effective way of getting in touch.

How do you deal with consequences?
Roleplaying a criminal is very heavily focused on creating and managing conflicts with other characters, and no conflict comes without consequence. Every criminal roleplayer should be of the mindset that the longer they continue on the path of crime, the more notorious they will become and the more enemies they will make, increasing the likelihood of getting caught and being brought to justice.

Thus, every member of our guild is expected to accept consequences in roleplay, as long as it is within reason. We wish the opposing party to keep in mind that the point of roleplay is to create a story, and sending someone to the chopping block for stealing bread or murdering them in their sleep for a vague threat is not the way to go to generate more roleplay. Of course; the more serious the crime, the more serious the consequences should be in return.

Does everyone in your guild accept character death?
Not everyone does, so this is something that will need to be discussed individually with each player. However, we expect that those members of ours that don’t want their characters killed will also not put their characters in situations where the only sensible consequence to befall on them would be death.

How long have you all been running this guild for, exactly?
The guild was founded in 2006 on Defias Brotherhood. In 2015 we left our previous realm and made our home here on Argent Dawn. At the time of writing this, we have been running for roughly 13 years.

Why are you called ‘The Sixty Thieves’, and are there sixty of you?
The guild name is a reference to Aladdin and the King of Thieves (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGNHUJt10OY&), which served as a sort of inspiration for the guild back in the founding days. The number sixty was chosen mainly as a decent and manageable number of members to have in a guild, and perhaps also to sound intimidating IC. We are currently under sixty members, but when we do reach the magical number, we will be closing recruitment for good.


Following a year of much betrayal, death, and conflict, the Sixty Thieves have turned a new chapter in their story. To replace the dead, the lost, and the traitors, the gang has welcomed lots of new blood into their ranks since the beginning of the year. Welcome to Shark, Jade, Hollow, Corny, Welkin, and Mouse!

However, due to the great number of applicants still waiting to be recruited IC, we’ve decided to close our recruitment for the time being. You may still apply to the guild but expect it to take some time before you’re responded to. A new announcement will be made when the situation changes.

Also, this is our brand-new guild thread, created since losing the editing rights to our previous one as a result of the forum revamp last autumn. Stay tuned for updates – which will be much more frequent again!


Nothing but respect for these lot - the best criminal guild for a long time, keep it up guys!


Yay, a new Sixty Thieves thread!


Hey, look, it’s a new thread. :blue_heart:




Ran into these guys back when I first started RPing on AD around WoD. Next to good and consistent RP, you might make some really good friends. Best criminal RP there is and you’ll have some experienced RPers to help you get into the wildness that can be random criminal RP.


Really good stuff. Keep it up.


This guild is based. Am I biased? Maybe a little…


Throwing these lovely people a bump!


Here to steal the hearts and coins of the people! Though mostly the coins.


The Sixty Thieves have returned to civilisation, in Booty Bay! Having spent over two weeks on the run after a job-gone-wrong - and in a land as dangerous as Zandalar, no less - they’re looking for some peace and quiet for the next few days, licking their many wounds gathered on the trip, and getting to know the new people who have recently found their way in their ranks. Welcome to Plank, Ham, and Scalp!

However, how safe the Thieves actually are in Booty Bay remains to be seen, as the dust from their previous screw-up may not have quite settled, just yet. Additionally, some thieves have already managed to stir some trouble with the locals, as well - both old acquaintances and new.

Our recruitment remains closed until further notice, as we’re still going through the many applicants awaiting IC initiation! That said, feel free to hit us up in roleplay for any dirty jobs needing to get done, or simply to spend some quality time with a colourful bunch of scoundrels, and potentially getting your coin stolen while at it.

Guild Forums: http://tinyurl.com/sixtythieves
Argent Archives: https://tinyurl.com/sixtyaa


Hi there, Igronak. That screenshot was taken of one of our Unmarked members after he mugged the woman in it by conducting a scam involving another member of ours, tricking her into going swimming and using the other member to take everything she left behind. Thanks for posting it up regardless. We don’t condone anything that breaks TOS and would like to say that if you do find any logs of such, please whisper one of our officers in game so that it can be dealt with appropriately. :slight_smile:


don’t know whose eyes you’re trying to pull the wool over here, i stayed there and watched them and they just stood in silence staring at eachother, very obviously using btag whispers, before disappearing

As discussed on Discord with (I presume yourself), as there are no logs within the screenshot or time stamps provided, there is not much we can do in terms of moderating Soomoh save for keeping an eye on his activity (as we do with all our Unmarked) to ensure there is no bad behaviour. If you do see any of our members ERPing, please report them to a moderator on WoW and send the logs to our Officers so we can read them through in full and speak to the member in question about their behaviour, as well as give them the appropriate treatment as adhered by our guild rules. If you’d like to give myself or one of our Officers a message in game to discuss it further, any one of us would be more than happy to give you full details of the mugging that was undertaken by Soomoh and Zanzin.


A bounty hunter going by ‘Garnthask’ seems to have been moving around the Bay, questioning several individuals on a goblin called Kaziik, Freywood Commodities, and a murder scene at a beach party. With tensions high and the grunts giving up the case, one can assume that the Horde officials have sent in a ‘more competent information finder’…

If you’d like to take part in this RP initiative to catch our crooks in the Bay, give myself a message in game at Chíel, or our bounty hunter himself, Garnthask!

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Lovely folks, the only guild I’ll ever cite as “criminal roleplay but not bad.” Definitely worth a look! :skull:


Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I can’t rhyme,
But we’ll steal from you.


Good luck :slight_smile: