[H-RP] [Social] Mount Racing Bar Night for the Kindred Spirits!

In case it wasn’t already clear - our forum thread, the main one for our Guild, was locked from inactivity. It’s taking a long time to get it up and running, but there’s been a few updates that I can’t address on it, so I’m posting them here instead.

Our stock list for the shop, along with name, is now completely out of date. You’ll need to refer to our argent archives post instead, a link to which is at the bottom of this post. The shop name is also now ‘Blood and Water’, and not ‘Shopping Pun’.


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Name change?? This calls for an embargo. Bring back Shopping Pun!

I fought it too. I fought long and hard for that name, and spent -so- much money bribing people to vote for it. I say we start a letter-writing campaign or someting.

Chiel got mocked too much for it. Decided to take a stand. Sorry! <3

I feel like now we just need to mock you for changing it and we can get it changed back. Shopping pun fans, unite!

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… nah.

You could certainly try, though!

The sign saying the Kindred Spirits is closed has now been removed. We’re open for business once more!

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Our actual forum thread for The Family is now running again, meaning no more updates will be put on here. See you all tomorrow for our event!


Wow! A big thank you to everyone who came tonight. The turnout was amazing. Our newest Officer, Jekle, put together an album of the night (Chiel will be getting hers here too). You can see it here:


Though stressful, we truly enjoy the RP we create with you guys, and we hope you enjoy it all as well. See you next month!



Here’s mine!


Hi all. To make the upcoming event run a little bit smoother for us, due to the popularity of these nights, we’ve added some guidelines for everyone who is planning on coming to read to make it a lot easier on us to run these events. Whilst we can’t enforce any of these things on your RP, if you’d like to be courteous to us and have as enjoyable a time as you can at our monthly Nights, please give them a read and follow them!

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A reminder that this will be happening in just over a week, on the 18th! We hope to see you there! If you want an invite to this and future calendar events, give me or Jekle a ping, and let us know if you’re the GM of a Guild so we can make you a moderator of the calendar event to add in your Guildies.

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Just a bump to let people know this is tomorrow! Come one, come all, and gamble or drink your coin away at the Kindred Spirits bar!


This was pretty much the perfect bar night for us. A ton of people showed, but not so many that the staff ever got overwhelmed. A huge thanks to everybody who came, and we hope you enjoyed the night! We would like to apologise for the poker being briefly interrupted and a little scattered, as some things came up during the event, but fortunately the lovely Toetaker managed to take over for us, so that helped a lot.

A screenshot album should be up soon, as well as the date of the next event!



Album for the night!



Argh! A day off from the month timer!

Thank you to all who came to yesterdays Bar Night. It was awesome seeing everyone there. Here’s an album of what I managed to catch in the busy and hectic night!

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I was a ghost, hence I didn’t come… Forgive me.


We now have a theme for this - darts will be running all night! We hope to see you next month, on the 30th!


Some of the best casual, dodgy, crime RPers right here. :point_up:

Heard Chiel likes to vacation to Theramore too. Or was that a one time trip and never again? heh