[H-RP] [Social] Mount Racing Bar Night for the Kindred Spirits!

Hey there forum reader/event goer! Know of a way we can improve our Bar Nights? Get in contact with one of our Officers, or reply to our thread! We’re always looking at ways we can improve our monthly events (the suggestion of themes was actually given by another player) so if you think you can give a good suggestion, do!

Our officers are myself (Chíel), Jekle, and Ireshka. Get in touch!


How about free drinks?


Someone’s speaking my language


But… how do we make a profit?! :frowning:

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Pfft, trivial details

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A huge thanks to everyone who came to the Bar Night! Our next theme?
Racing, with mounts!

Here’s my album from the night, as much as I could make…


And here’s another from one of the customers at the night. (Her pictures are far better than mine and she was able to get tons more.)



Remember that The Kindred Spirits is not just open once a month. We open most nights (unless out on a campaign or event, or working the shop). You can find details of us and what we do here:

And, as some asked: we offer poker on our boat, but you must come by and request it, as we simply do not have the staff guildies to man three places at once. Sorry!


Our next Bar Night will happen in under a week! Bring your best mounts and prepare for a night of games, fun, and booze, of course! And definitely not anything that helps fund crime, of course not.


As I hear it, last bar night’s turn out was pretty quiet, but we still saw our lovely and awesome regulars. Trust us to make the date on a night when there’s already three other public events and to then forget to post it on the Argent Archives when the site came back online. D’oh.

Our next date is TBD and we’ll be abolishing the timeline structure from now on. We also sadly don’t have any screenshots to give of last nights event, as we woefully forgot to take them!

The theme, however, has been decided, and will be…
Tropical, exotic shirts!

Of all things. Who suggested that?!

Wear your most brightly coloured, tacky, floral patterned shirts that remind you of paradise (with a mog to boot). There’ll be a contest for the best one. We’re also taking in suggestions for new thematics to have!

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