[H-RP] The Earthwalker Tribe

A final glance is cast backwards before the large Rivermane makes to step through the portal ahead of her. Not hesitation, no; but a way to say a momentary goodbye to the sanctity of home. A single step now marks the beginning of a venture she isn’t quite so certain of when it will come to an end. At least she can fall back on the fact that she isn’t taking this step alone. Through the uncertain, through the unknown, her tribe shall stand with her.


Punishment turned opportunity – depending on one’s outlook, there’s always a positive note to be found even in the darkest times.

Together with a fellow tribesmember, Jevahani, whom had for the last time invoked the ire of the elders due to her questionable ways, Tounna was designated to lead a journey of redemption. A path that would see them travel and explore across the far reaches of Azeroth, leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of home to replace it with that of danger and excitement. Ever the curious one – and eager to help her friend all the same – it wasn’t even thinkable for her to turn this down.

Tounna now seeks like-minded Tauren, standing as Chieftain of The Earthwalker Tribe, be they of Highmountain descent or their lowland cousins, to band together with the two Rivermane and taste the fruits of venturing throughout the lands, uncharted and well known alike, to see what new relations may be forged, what opportunities might reveal themselves. Perhaps something new can be learned even about the Tauren and their abilities in question!

OOC Notes:

Casual tribal RP with a focus on storytelling and character building. Non-military, but there will surely be plenty of scraps, spars and trouble on the road ahead for those eager to do battle. We have in mind the minor, but valiant goal of bringing back to life old RP hubs such as Bloodhoof Village, Sun Rock Retreat, Thousand Needles, Feralas, and so forth. We’d be honoured to have you with us as we strive to make Horde RP live again!

Inquire within if any of this sounds like it might float your boat, happy to answer questions; or hit me up in-game!

A Discord is created as well, where there’ll be opportunity to RP outside of the game and vibe with your fellow tribesmembers. With our members picking up in numbers, so to is the activity! It’s a delightful thing to see.


Are tauren guild stocks on the rise? Investors say; yes!

I might have to look into you! I still have the guild tag from a much loved but sadly no longer active tauren guild, and perhaps it is about time I let it go and gave a new tribe a go!

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I was part of that very same guild once upon a time in its glory days! You’d be very, very welcome to give us a try. We have an upcoming event on Monday, the 1st around 20:00ST if you’d like to appear as a guest!

Otherwise we’re almost always around in the evenings during the same hour!