Noticeboards carrying the clan’s symbol and messages sprout up wherever they can be maintained, most often in locations sympathetic to the Earthen Ring and/or Baine Bloodhoof, where the occasional neophyte comes by to add an updated listing - this board is open to the public for viewing and posting of various tasks and on-goings.
Current Officer team: Rogmasha, Overhaul, Ragnâr, Zakanna, Alryette, Ruzaji, Dexaris and Zaxzil.
The Frozen Paw Clan is a nomadic New Horde clan dedicated to the ideas of shamanism and naturalism. They value kinship and action above individualism and social standing, and their goal is the protection of themselves, the Horde and Azeroth from threats both within and without.
The guild itself is open to all races and, provided the right context, will accept pretty much anyone. We focus on providing an atmosphere that allows for progression and development both for characters but also for up-and-coming roleplayers.
Our themes tend to revolve around nomadic, tranquil travelling experiences and social interaction during downtime and casual roleplay, while events tend to center around either the spiritual or the facing of various kind of issues - from the combatitive Burning Legion threat to treasure hunting and diplomatic missions.
Founded in the later times of the Horde Rebellion against Garrosh, The Frozen Paw Clan is founded on the orcish idea of a clan with sympathies and respects to the way of life that was widespread before the First War, before the Legion arrived on Draenor.
In recent times, with the end of the Darkspear Rebellion, the Frozen Paw Clan has taken to the open road. The need for warriors diminished, their ways are turning more towards preservation and restoration than war efforts, and their home finally becoming the open road it was intended to be.
In essence, The Frozen Paw seeks to turn the Horde, having been twisted into an entity of industrial revolution and war, to an open structure of spiritual and honourable individuals fighting to mend rather than to conquer. As an extension of that, the clan is also open to practically anyone, so long as they come with pure intentions and a capacity for labour.
The Paw’s name is a nod to the now-shattered Whiteclaw clan, who were in times before the First War, parts of the opposition against Gul’dan’s changes to the orcish way of life, and to the idea of the Horde as a warmachine of mindless conquest. They allied themselves with the Frostwolf Clan, but despite this friendship, the Whiteclaws are now but a remnant in the ancient memory of orcs, and it is to honour them that the Frozen Paw Clan has taken a similar name.
The Frozen Paw Clan is an entity not unlike Orcish clans of old, in that they revere the elements, the animal spirits and their own ancestors as beings both of worship and of legend, and they hold honour above all else in war, even where it threatens their lives.
They have, however, abolished the tradition of old that kept peons and other labourers at the automatic bottom of society as slaves, and peons among the Frozen Paw Clan are generally regarded with the same respect as any other hard-working craftsman, mostly noted in that the Clan celebrates “Peon Day”.
The Frozen Paw is not a society of layers, however it has a head in the form of the Chief. The Chief essentially is the final say in matters of dispute and decision-taking.
All walks of life are well-respected within the Clan, however no-one would disagree if it was mentioned that spiritualists like Druids, Shamans, Witchdoctors and the like are held in higher regard - that being for their connection to the deities that the Clan worship and praise.
But besides the spiritualists, all stand as equal man and woman, pup and whelp. The son of the blacksmith is no more demanding of respect than the grunt in shining armour, and the people of the Clan are praised for their action, not their standing.
The Frozen Paw Clan, besides consisting of orcs, has borrowed the emerging ideas from clans like the Frostwolf Clan and the Rageroar Clan, and they have decided to allow the other races of the Horde into their home as well.
The Clan has room for all who care to raise their working arm for its people, regardless of whether said arm carries axe, hammer, fishing pole or a mining pick.
To keep it simple, the Frozen Paw Clan seeks a restoration of a spiritual Horde society, and an abolition of the militarized industrial machine that the Horde has become in later years. Meaning basically that they intend for honour and wisdom to guide war, rather than “Victory above all cost.” This colours much of their interactions with the outside world, and what activities they participate in.
The Clan seeks to carve out a home in Horde society for their members to practice their faith in peace, and to drag those who have gone astray, be it from the path of kindness or from honour, back onto the road towards a more spirited Horde.
Within the Clan there is also a generally strong sentiment towards the uniting of Horde races through spirituality and brotherhood. They can most often be found in smaller or greater number at spiritual events and happenings to support the organisers. Some even go as far as to join the Horde soldiers on distant frontlines and tired battlegrounds to promote a generally unitary spirit among their allies and friends in the Horde, and to remind them not to act needlessly cruel towards their enemy.
It should be said that while many of these things regard mostly the Horde, they ultimately work towards the goal of defending Azeroth from corruption and outside threats as well. The Clan regards nature and the elements with the greatest respects, and wishes to see the Horde (as well as the rest of Azeroth) live with nature rather than by it.
The Chieftain is the head of the Clan. They are in essence the leader and the final authority in all matters related to decision-taking. The Chieftain position comes with both a great deal of (usually) respect, and a heavy bit of responsiblity. The Chieftain carries with them the clan’s sacred heirloom Gol’gosh - the Axe of Wolves, so named for uniting the Frostwolf legacy with Whiteclaw ideals.
The Champions are the bold, proactive seniors of the clan. These individuals perform the duty of guiding in the Chieftain’s absence, and are often tasked with leadership duties. These are the people who have a natural element of leadership in their stride, and inspire the people around them with their actions and words.
The Overseers perform a junior officer role in the clan. They are tasked with keeping the clan active and engaged, and will in times of need take the place of the Chieftain, if no Champions can be found. These are people who show some promise as leaders, but who are still building their understanding of what it means to be responsible for a group - as such, they oversee only a particular part of the clan, generally. The Overseers also each have a Second, their most entrusted confidantes, in case they are out of reach.
Mystics are those who wield magic primarily as a weapon. Their skills lie with using nature or mana as a weapon to protect the things they love, and they have dedicated themselves to this.
In union with the thaumaturges, the caretakers form the magic-wielders of the Clan. Caretakers wield magic as a tool for restoration and nurture. They use it to heal the wounded in fights, but also to maintain the world around them.
Warrior is a term for they who fight close-up and personal, be it with sword and shield or twin-bladed axes. They are the shield that safeguards their companions through use of brute force and a battle-ready physique.
Scouts are hunters with their bows and animal companionship, as well as those who prefer to lurk in the shadows and sneak forwards, and beyond that also the fighter who use their agility in combat, dodging and avoiding rather than parrying and blocking. Scouts are the people who often walk ahead of the clan, making sure the road is clear.
The Worker is in essence one who is useful to the Clan without falling into any of the other categories. These are worksmen, crafters and engineers as well as peons and caravan drivers.
The followers are representatives both from within and from outside the clan, who follow in the clan’s footsteps, but aren’t comfortable calling it home. They are in practice the body that helps the Chieftain keep in touch with the rest of the Horde and Azeroth at large, and when necessary act as messengers.
(Images are clickable links to the events themselves!)
(Images are clickable and leads to AA like above!)
Our Argent Archives page
A simple but binding ruleset for player activity within the guild can be found at the AA link above. Before joining, please read and ensure that you understand the rules as they are laid out.
Q: How do I join this guild?
A: Simply speak to Rogmasha herself or some of the guild’s other officers. There is no formal in-character process, but there will be a brief assessment of your character in the form of light social RP. If you can’t catch any of the officer team online, don’t hesitate to drop me a message on Discord - WorriesDK#2020
Q: How active is the guild event-wise?
A: This depends on a variety of factors, including your own participation! Everyone in the guild is welcome to host events, either to refine their skills at it or to try it out for the first time, and there’ll usually always be a few willing participants.