[H-RP] The Goldhide Privateers 🏴‍☠

Avast me hearties.
It be me Captain Eunti Goldhide, and i am looking far and wide for sturdy sea legs to join me crew.

We are a plundering bunch that sails the seas, taking the treasures of times long past, but aswell as those who be foolish enough to cross our path.
Alas not without a good reason aye.

Some be calling us pirates, others pests and even a jolly crew of traders ‘n’ travellers.
Next to our flag, there flies in the wind the one from the Horde, who we pledge our lives to.

In these somewhat steady times of peace between the Alliance and the Horde, we be not the ones stoking the flames, but our cannons will fire to paint the sea even more blue if need be.

One should not feel themselves to comfortable by being on dry land. We might be having a ship to sail the seas of Azeroth, but also other ways to traverse the Land, Inner Earth and even Sky.
Be it Mechanical Suits, flying Airships or Caravans, after all we be Vulpera, just traded the sandy desert against a watery one.

Those who be interested will find themselves beginning as a Swabbie, sweeping the deck, helping the others with mundane tasks.
But we also be having other positions from Cannon callers who keep our Cannons on all ships and vehicles in the best condition, to Deep Sea Brawlers that go claw to claw against those who cross us.
And these be just a few of the opportunities that await ye.

Well then lasses and lads, if ye feel the tingle of adventure, the thrill of exploring the unknown as well as the pride sailing under the Horde flag and ye got something golden or yellow to wear, then join me crew.
There is also gold involved…sometimes.

Ask in your local tavern for a white Vulpera with a golden attire, or throw a seagull a message with a gold coin attached to it, it will find the way to me.

Until we meet again, i be wishing ye all a plunderfull day!
:pirate_flag: Captain Eunti Goldhide :fox_face:

What are the Goldhide Privateers

What are the Goldhide Privateers:

As the name suggests, we are a Pirate/Privateer RP Guild that consists of Vulpera, offering Roleplay on that front which, thanks to the variety of Mounts and healty stamina, is not tied down to only appear on the shores of Azeroth.

This crew of colorfull fluffy privateers is able to assist the Horde in their endeavours regardless where they lie.

Be it at the broken shore, in the middle of Orgrimmar at a market day, the lush jungles of Stranglethorn, freezing Fjords of Northend, sandy Deserts of Vol’dun, bountifull Valleys of Pandaria or the depths of Azeroths below Khaz Algar.

We can wash up where- and whenever we want, for various reasons.
It could be exploratin, being paid to be there or good/bad luck.

The Roles in the Crew

The Roles in the Crew

A crew needs a good and healthy variety to keep things afloat, it may be very likely that new Roles will be added after future adventures or when the needs arise.

:pirate_flag: The Captain :pirate_flag:
The head of the Crew, responsibile for the well being of all members. Also overseeing the recruitment of each and everyone. Claw picked by her they are. If anyone from her crew steps out of line it is on the captain to bring them back to order. If things go astray it is the captains head on the line, and then the crew. She fully commands the Goldhides.

:ship: Goldclaws :ship:
These Vulpera are the second in command, after the Captain. Making sure everything runs as smooth as a ship can when she isn’t arround. They also have the honor of distributing the treasure and loot fairly among the Crew. Lastly having an up to date list of the Ships inventory is also among their tasks, if not even the most important one.

:hammer: Oiltails :hammer:
To keep things afloat, especially the ship. This Role provides the crew with equipment they need. Oiltails comes from the fact they do need to take care of the Goldhides other vehicles, regardless if they are Air, Land or Sea based. Including the Ship, the air ships, Caravan Wagons and Plunder Mechs showing they don’t hesitate to get their tails dirty in the process.

:gem: Sniffers :gem:
With the sharpest eyes and the help of looking glasses as well as other methods, these Crewmembers are skilled and trained in the best ways to find treasure of all kinds. Thanks to their eyesight and knowledge, they often find themselvs also as look-outs and Navigators, helping the crew to find the way with the fewest deaths towards their next loot.

:gun: Powder Paw :gun:
These Vulpera are in charge of all things ranged weaponry. While Canons and Bombs are some of the best things the Goldhides use, Musquetes, Arrows and many other things that can cross a distance will be found in their arsenal. The maintenance and knowledge about handling an artillery strike from the ship, and airships what sets these Vulpera appart from the rest.
If the Captain needs some blasting, Cannon Callers stand ready

:ocean: Wavehealers :ocean:
The waves hold many mysteries, but also opportunities. To make sure the Goldhides don’t drown, succumb to deadly wounds or die from poisenous fish, the wavehealers exist. Their roles as Medics and healers of all kind despite their name, also includes the research about magic artefacts. Who knows they might be usefull in keeping the crew alive, to die annother day.

:boxing_glove: DeepSea Fangs:boxing_glove:
What the cannon callers are for ranged weaponery, the Deepsea Brawlers prefer the up and close version. These Vulpera are the first in the ropes and on the decks of enemy ships, stricking, slashing and smashing down any foes. These Vulpera can be seen to use all kinds of melee weapons and armor, from tridents and hooks, to spears and knuckle claws. Some even seem to wear heavy plated diving suits for protection and to be a weapon itself, the use of the plunder mechs and wagons is something they can also be seen to enjoy.

:fox_face:Saltfur - the Crewfoxes:fox_face:
The standard Crewmember of the Goldhides, loyal, full of ambition and not yet tasked into one of the other roles. These Vulpera are the backbone of the crew and make up the biggest numbers among them. Their titles comes from the fact that they perform their task no matter how rough the sea or weater might be.

General Information and Questions

Activity times and events
Our activity times are dependant on work hours, so it’s most likely during the evenings of any day.
Of course there can be exceptions as for example Vacations, Weekends or Sick days exist.
If any events are planned they will be made in a way to allow the most people to join up.

Real Life vs RP “Life”
The real life always comes first. World of Warcraft and the RP in it is for us a hobby, not a 24/7 Full year round Job.
there will be down times but there also up times of activity.

Are you Alt Friendly?
Yes we are alt friendly and allow Alts in the Crew, as long as they comply with our rules.

I would like to join, what are the conditions aka the Rules?
These are kinda short and simple

  1. Be a Vulpera, all Classes and Professions are fine. After all Eunti still lives by the Vulpera Credo of “Everything has its use”
  2. Be true to the Lore! A lot of Time has passed in the games story, but still all Vulpera Adults have come at one point from either Vol’dun or Kul Tiras.
  3. Look the part. From diving suits, to swabbie looks, Mages in sea salt crusted robes or Deathknights, with half their former crew attire hanging of their bodies, it all goes as long as it fits the Pirate/Sea fairing theme!
  4. Be online atleast once a month and/or at important Events like general meet ups or special events. If Real Life cuts in your way that is completely fine, just let us know that you are currently a bit “sea sick”.
  5. Those who just go radio silent for atleast half a year without any form of communication be it Discord or World of Warcraft even after reaching out to them, will be walking the plank.
  6. Be active on our Discord and engage in the general banther. The RP we do on there, which is mostly Ship/Crew based, helps to keep your Character in the know of the crew itself (its not a substitude for real RP in World of Warcraft tough)
  7. The Vulpera you play has to be either a young adult or Adult. No Kit RP characters. Yes i know there have been Cabin Boys in real life, but this is a dangerous fantasy world and I don’t see any children running around on the ships in WoW.
  8. Alts can be used in RP, be it in WoW or the Discord itself. Just make sure they don’t get to dusty.

I have no Idea where to get Pirate Clothes
We will help you look the part, with farming, tailoring, leather working, smithing, questing. There are many ways nowadays to look worthy of a tail of the high seas.

Are you attending RP Events on Argent Dawn?
Yes we are, and we plan to attend as many as we can. There is no point in hiding away on some NPC Ship in the Cataclysm Zones for ever.
The Goldhides plan to become an active and known part of the Argent Dawn Roleplay Enviroment.

But Pirats belong to Water
Yes and No. In a world where Spaceships, walking Golems, Soul sucking Christals, flying Cities and Undead that sell roaches exist, is a pirate in a steampunkesque Airship among the most normal things.
So yes. We have ways to get arround the world, even without a river or puddle.

Do you Raid, PVP, M+?
Some of us do, while we don’t have a full Group for those things, we do sometimes tend to give it a shot. But nothing dead serious.
We are a Roleplaying Guild first and foremost!
Altough any PVP, Dungeon or Raid done with the Crew will be spun into a yarn to tell at campfires.

How can I contact you?
You can either write an Ingame Letter to Eunti, whisper me Ingame or contact me on Discord under the Name Rune#7641.

Thank you for taking the time to read up on this little idea of mine.
Have a great day!
Also this Forum Post will get In Character updated now and then to provide information where the Goldhides are Ingame currently for easier findings.
See you all on the golden side of life


A concept that’s long overdue! Is there any way to contact you IC, or find you between the travels?

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Thank you :smiley:
Yes we can be contact via IC Mail trouth “Tavern rumors” or be found in Orgrimmar and Booty Bay were we do stop often between travels.
At the Moment we are a bit marooned at a small Stretch near Booty Bay, fixing up and repairing our ship. So you can find us there most likely, or at the other two places.

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-Burps violenty in Approval-

Yaaaarrgh… Dread Cap’n Yorold Approves of this post! May your voyages be filled with shanty’s, your loot be shiny and adventures mighty! Yo-ho!

:skull_and_crossbones: :parrot: :sailboat: :cocktail: :pirate_flag:


Seen you around! cool guild concept! :grinning:

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Can confirm, these goobs are a blast to hang out with :dracthyr_nod:

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Avast ye landlubbers!
The Goldhides are still in booty bay, fixing up their newly “acquired” ship, so that they may take to Khaz Algar itself!
But besides that we are still mobile and able to visit other festivities!
If anyone wants to interact with us for what ever reasons, ye can find us in the small coast near Booty Bay or in the City itself!

Se yarrr there


Saw them folks at Mizuk. Real cool people!!!

:fox_face: :+1:


My siblings in the seas…yay…


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