Whilst we’re thankful for our dearest Est and her congratulations of our 200th post. A moment in silence for DURB THE PEON, who has been silenced due to a lack of trust levels on the forum.
T_T Elune is not pleased.
Whilst we’re thankful for our dearest Est and her congratulations of our 200th post. A moment in silence for DURB THE PEON, who has been silenced due to a lack of trust levels on the forum.
T_T Elune is not pleased.
Dis is moomentuss occashun! Is two big tens post in da best threat! Durb remembered friend he lost but he celebrated by eating lots of pork! Durb gonna celebrate da occashun by eating more pork and dancing!
The Moonlight Melody is the reason why Alistair is constantly stressed out at the meetings. I recommend joining these lovely goons if you love stressing worgen out.
Visit moonglade and we will give you all the Pork you want, Durb. We are even open to pork eating contests.
yesterday after getting a mean ol’ gunshot to the leg. Sylani’s new friend, the matron of moonlight was so kind and nice to deal with the wound. 10/10 medical clinic
Durb woz really scared of da shadows in Uldum but after pep-talk, Durb is brave orc now! Me gonna bonk da shadows good and get Durb’s pork back so da Melody can eats! Me also got new pet from nice demony elf, me got moth me call Flappy! Elmoon adurb!
Got stabbed by evil necrotic magic. Was healed by overly zealous priestess. 11/10 Just enough beautiful contempt.
Lunarglade. You’ve let down this sisterhood. You healed a Ren’dorei. - I hereby denounce you to the worst possible state a Priestess can be, I hereby pronounce you a:
Tyrande Supporter
The Melody have returned from fighting the Void in Uldum and are planning on taking a much needed R&R session in Suramar before making any plans for the future.
A big thanks to everyone we met and rp’d with during the campaign, you truly saved me hours of my own effort by doing the DM work for me :^)
Me made lots of friends in da sandy place Uldoom! Me bonked da naughty shadow too wen it stole Durb’s pork and tools and me gots dem back! Is celebrashun so me gonna eat lots and lots! Me hope me meet new friends soon and me think da organisers deserve some pork!
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