I can simply say, that I am BARKING mad for this guild. - HUEHUE, PUNS.
Last night the Melody partook in a diplomatic exchange with a few guests. Erena had the Sisterhood clean and organise the temple while a few volunteers prepared various foods for the visitors. After this was done we were paid a visit and took the opportunity for cultural exchange as well as a brief questions and answers period.
The sisterhood were shocked to learn of the outlook of the visitors, but regardless found the experience very fulfilling and plans have been made for a similar incursion to be made with the Melody’s representatives. Perhaps this peacetime can be used for productivity after all.
Da purple elves were nice to Durb, me like da purple elves, dey alot nicer dan da Whispery-Elf, she stinks alot. Me hope to see nice elves again!
This concept is very neat. o:
Hope to run into you, sometime!
The Melody has had a great few weeks! Not only have we had some new recruits come and join us but we’ve been able to focus on temple renovations and field trips around the broken isles to learn and explore areas of our people’s past.
This weekend we expect to get involved with some cross guild RP with some of our new allies. Followed by traveling to the Mainlands to make some important visits.
Bippity boppity, bumping your property.
I have recently come out of my retirement home to check up on my darling Melody. I can say, from what I’ve seen out of my little telescope and view into how things are going. I am -so- proud of how everyone is going. From the activity to the quality of RP. Truly, I am so pleased and happy. It’s all thanks to each and every wonderful member, especially my dearest Erena whom took over from me.
So, - Really, well done all of you, for keeping my little idea and dream alive, and better than I could’ve imagined.
Bravo, really!
Happy birthday!
Looking forward to seen you all soon. What fun we all shall have.
It was very nice meeting up with the Moonlight Melody under such a circumstance. Must be awful for the Horde to be the way it is.
It was a pleasure to meet up and RP with you guys.
After a few long and busy weeks the Melody have made some good progress in renovating their temple. Those who reside within may now they have seperated private sleeping quarters, various store rooms have been carved out and construction has started on a new bridge over the old ruins.
Recently the Melody had attended a social gathering at one of their guards estates to relax and unwind among friends. The affair was a resounding success in forging new bonds among members and securing their teamwork for the future.
Da Melody treats Durb well and gives him lots of nice work! Dey are a good bunch and even allow Durb’s friends to visit! Me recommend dat people come visit dem, dey da best elves!
I’ve had have a lot of fun RPing with them in the Feralas campaign a few months back and would highly recommend them for their fun attitude!
The Melody has enjoyed a nice quiet weekend after hosting the Moonlit Market (A Big thanks to everyone who attended) That’s not to say we’ve been slacking, we’ve had guests, carried out business and have began preparations for traveling from the Isles to Kalimdor.
Tonight, Captain Elydrsis Moonstrider took the Lunar Guard to Highmountain on a training exercise.
Led by a Highmountain Tauren that totally wasn’t the Captain in disguise, the Guard faced off against the harsh snow as they ventured up the hill.
Risk and reward filled the entire training session as the Guard made their way up the snowy slopes, attempting to retrieve special charms (Though failing the first time) while also navigating through a harsh blizzard.
Perhaps the most challenging moment came in the finale when the Guard had to cross a rope bridge several metres up the snowy mountain in freezing conditions. Through perseverance and teamwork, the Guard were able to cross as well as make sure Priestess Darkwarden didn’t fall for a third time.
In the end, though cold, it was a successful training session, and helped develop the Guards’ physical prowess and stamina.
The Melody is currently in Orgrimmar, tonight we worked towards purifying the temple of Elune in Azshura.
The Priestess’ and the Guard fought against void corruption, eventually fighting against a Faceless one and swiftly ending its tainting existence but not before it managed to Swallow Lunarglade and Veilleuse, Veilleuse managing to cut her way out while Lunarglade also managed to escape.
After defeating the Faceless one, Zarival finished cleansing the temple, vaporizing any trace of void in the temple. expending all his energy and collapsing for a short time.
The events of today have left the Moonlight Melody tired, injured, but alive and in one piece. Though leaving Corinne concerned about what may come next, she is confident in her abilities to protect the Melody.
Last night was unplanned but truly shows the gem that the Moonlight Melody has. - I was personally, OOC having an -awful- night. And before long, I was on Zari with Erena in Org. - Within minuets, roughly six more of the Melody logged in, just out of random to join.
The night soon went into Orgrimmar charades, - which was amusing to say the least. - Before our characters ventured to a quieter place, then thanks to Erena, and her Kobolds and Catacombs knoweldge. Our characters started to partake in their own ‘roleplay’ scenarios of the game. Involving Eravai, the dragon. - Corrine the Quel’dorei, - Estalar the ‘dargon’ - the dragon who cannot spell. - And Zarival, - Bubbles the Jinyu. Though, alas, none could compare to the fabulous catacomb master of the night, - Erena, the human paladin.
Though the scene ended quite abruptly in bubbles putting out the only candle and everyone being crushed and dying.
Sometimes, in a very serious RP setting WoW has to offer, it’s fun to just enjoy some silly Rp, - have your characters mess around and enjoy themselves and it truly made my night. - I’m so glad to be back among my guild once more and truly, I remember how much I love them. It made my night and improved my day so much.
Kobolds and Catacombs for me is a way to escape this gloomy world we live in and dive into a land of fantasy and wonder. A shame the other races of the horde frown upon it. I was once referred to as something called “nerd”. It left me confused and sad.
The Melody, in collaboration with the Embrace, escorted Dani to Darkshore yesterday to help her find her way back to Elune. She lost her Mother Moon out of despair when the tree burned and she was there, healing injured horde. She’s been beating herself up ever since and now, as Nightborne and Kaldorei slowly build bridges, she has a new goal that drives her. “Thank you” to both Moonlight Melody and Moonlight Embrace for this hearty opportunity!
Happy 200th posting to the Best thread on this Forum, Today was the Night elf holiday of Samha and since the Moonlight Embrace and Melody had a meeting today, they had a small joint remembrance of those they had lost. But also a celebration of those who are still with us. They shared their opinion on some hot topics and then returned to their respective homes. All around a good day.