[H-RP] [Troll RP] Gravesworn - Friends On The Other Side 💀

Howdy, spooky boys. I’m going to be hosting a little sermon in the Valley of Spirits at around 20:00 gametime - bring an offering to Bwonsamdi in the form of a candle, a skull or a treasured possession to burn.

Hope to see you there - we’ll be praying, holding hands and talking about dead people - wholesome family fun.


Being the non-Horde, Stranglethorndwelling trolls we are we are unable to attend, but we can only applaud more worship for the Loa of Graves!

Also awesome to see some good old troll events in Orgrimmar for once again - the Valley of Spirits hasn’t been properly used in a good while. Best of luck, have a great evening, and I hope to pop by on a Horde alligned alt!


Added the sermon to the calendar : Calendar: Upcoming Events ✨

Unfortunately, I cannot bump it myself (damn this new system) but you might want to add to your thread title that there’s an event tonight :slight_smile:


Now Zandalari are out, it’s a great time for us to mention that your FAVOURITE SPOOKY BOYS are still recruitin’! We’ve got a campaign coming up on the 27th - you’d be foolish not to get in with us & reap some souls before then! :skull:


Best of luck with your upcoming campaign -hopefully with some fresh new Zandalari!


Yo these trolls are rad, and you should get to know them. Who knows, maybe they’ll put in a good word for you with Bwonsamdi!


Bruddahs an’ Sistahs, it be good ta be seein dat da Loa of Death be getting da following he truly be deservin’.

Ah mights be havin’ ta be lookin’ yas up. Da path of da Poisoner be getting mightly lonely wit’out Friends on dis side of da veil. But den, accidents has been had, der wrong bottle been drunk from, an unfortunate scratch on someting dat naht so sweet on da blood. Bwonsamdi don’t be mindin’, Bwonsamdi understands. Dese tings happen, an ah always be making sure dem dat falls be finding dere way ta da otha side.

Be seein yas…


Is it a guild-only campaign or something you want others to join in on?

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Should’ve clarified because I’m a dummy! It’s Wilcox’s campaign - (RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED! !!

Ah neato !

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