[H] <Scrub Club> |Nethergarde Keep


We are proud to introduce , a newly formed guild with a solid core that has experience from vanilla and private servers. We are currently in the process of building a good raiding team to progress through BWL and beyond, as such we are looking for raiders of every class. We are creating this guild now, in a time of fluidity on the server and we believe that there are more like minded players who are in need of a new home. Since we are a newly formed guild, everyone will have an equal opportunity of getting loot :slight_smile:

Raiding days: Wednesday and Sunday.

Raiding times: 20:00-23:00 server time.

Discord: discord.gg/32mzSTm
Contact ingame: Tjyvarn, Bewillow, Köttarn, Glappkäft, Isä or Melanderz

We are open for: Warrior (fury, tank), Rouge, Druid (resto), Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Priest (shadow, holy) and shaman (Enh and Resto). Are you looking for a fresh start, give us a shout!

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