Ele/Restro shaman & DPS warrior LF weekend raiding guild - to clear mythic content.
Both of us have a Lot Raid experience from previous expansions & Also from private servers.
We both currently 11/12HC pugging in the weekends due to the limited time we have (i’ve)
We both Enjoy each others company and been playing Together for nearly 10 years on and off
We like to consider ourselfs as funny - a Lot of scarnism we troll, we laugh and having fun. We like raiding and Pvp
However we Also Very selfimprove/ Aware to improve mistakes evt. Critisisme is good
Looking for saturday / sunday guild with the aim of clearing mythic
Contact info:
Battlenet billyie#2937 & Billyie#2294 both mine - shaman
Battlenet quick#21774 - warrior
Discord worldless#9488