[H] <Smoke> 6/8M - LF EXCEPTIONAL DPS - Tarren mill

Two day guild aiming for CE every tier.

Currently looking for exceptional DPS

So far in 8.2 we have cleared 8/8HC and 6/8M, We are aiming to swiftly move through the first bosses on Mythic and end out this tier on a high note.

Core Philosophies
The guild raids two mandatory nights a week.
Wednesday (2000-2300) - Heroic Optional
Thursday (2000-2300) - Mythic Mandatory
Sunday (2000-2300) - Mythic Mandatory

We like to have fun in as a guild with a lot of laughing and joking on discord. However, during mythic progression, everyone in the guild takes the raid extremely seriously. Everyone is expected to show up with all consumables and gear setup to the correct standard. There are a lot of mythic+ runs throughout the week with people completing their weekly caches and pushing higher keys, completing a ten key and getting the weekly cache is expected of all raiding members.

Feel free to contact me in game on one of my characters (Aspryl, Breakym, BreakyD) (Rotinaj#2679) if more information is required and to have a chat about you joining us on this adventure.

still looking for ranged DPS

Still looking for range dps

Still looking for ranged DPS

Still looking for range DPS, Now looking for EXCEPTIONAL melee dps.

Still looking for range DPS, Now looking for EXCEPTIONAL melee dps.

Still looking for Exceptional DPS and Disc Priest