[H] SOD Guild Recruitment EU LoneWOLF Baby Yoda


Lone Wolf (Horde)

Semi core/casual/social guild.

Progress: Gnomeregan 6/6

Baby Yoda consists of oldschool players since Vanilla and new mature players that love to play WoW SoD!

We are recruiting new members right now and our focus is to maintain at least 2x10man raids.

We are very much looking forward for phase 3 and 4.

Most important is that we are having a good time together!

You are more than welcome to join us on the legendary adventure!

Raids: We raid every reset.

Lootsystem: Softres system with prio to BiS items.

Time: Around 10:00 pm server time.

Why this late?: We have members with kids/work that require later raid nights.

Discord Nido#2325

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