Elite Legion is a Guild that started in vanilla right in 2004 and returned to wow classic to storm the content while making some new friends and enjoy a friendly and mature atmosphere.
We’re on Stonespine server Horde side and we raid Wednesdays and Sundays on a late night schedule, from 10:30 to 1:30 SERVER TIME, while off days are reserved to 20 mans and older content. Loot distribution is performed via DKP.
All content including C’thun is done and we’re looking for players to farm the current content while waiting for Naxx release.
So if you’re looking for a cool gang, rock solid and with many years of wow, now is the time to join us… go to elitelegion. org (no spaces), register and make your application or visit us ingame.
Actively recruiting: Melee dps / Shamans / Healers
See you in-game!