Hello GAMERS. INDECISIVE is looking for fresh blood.
We are a friendly, open minded, #%&! talking bunch of friends that are looking for MORE friends. We strive to always help each other out where needed. We are an English speaking guild, but you’ll meet people from all over.
We are a chill, but slow bunch. We do a lot of m+, and raiding twice a week. We are very casual guild. So don’t expect an 8/8 HC one shot guild.
Raid days are Thursday and Sundays 20-23 server timer. We are currently 4/8 HC.
We do a lot of M+.
DEATH KNIGHTS, PALADINS, WARLOCK, PRIEST is in HIGH demand, but obviously every exceptionel player is considered.
Preferably dps, and a few tanks.
Though we will welcome any like minded people.
If you have any questions feel free add me on discord, and send me a PM: Ike#1031