[H] Sudden Wipe [EU] - Draenor - We are looking for YOU!

Hi there !
We are Sudden Wipe on Draenor EU. Despite being relatively new (2 years in January), some of us go back over a decade of playing together, whereas others have joined us along the way more recently. Our guild prioritizes long-lasting relationships and welcomes new members warmly.

At Sudden Wipe, we aim to create a friendly, fun, and safe space where everyone feels included.
Our goal is to clear every tier on Heroic difficulty and achieve Ahead of the Curve (AotC), while maintaining a laid-back, fun and respectful raid atmosphere. We believe in perseverance and having a good time while facing challenging bosses, because even the more stubborn ones will fall eventually, and we might as well have fun in the process !

Currently, we are not raiding until 11.1. Our current focus lies on increasing the guild members ready for Season 2 weather its for raiding, M+ or even just social,
As it is the end of season 1 people are a bit more absent than normal because that is just the way the game goes ! but please be ensured our loyal members always return for all the fun and games 11.1 has to bring us !
There are a few guildies running M+ and others logging in for the social chats so don’t worry you wont be left alone :smiley:

If you are looking for a place to chill and make friends along the way why not try us out !?

Once we start raiding again, our raid days and times are:
Wednesdays and Sundays from 20:00 to 22:30 (Server Time).

Our raid history so far includes:

  • (11.0) TWW: Nerub’ar Palace AotC: 20/10/24

  • (10.2) DF: Amirdrassil, Dream’s Hope AotC: 17/12/23

  • (10.1) DF: Aberrus, Shadowed Crucible AotC: 18/06/23

  • (10.0) DF: Vault of the Incarnates AotC: 05/04/23

Our guild welcomes experienced raiders, Mythic+ enthusiasts, and social players of any skill level. We value the people themselves above their in-game accomplishments.

If you’re interested in joining our guild, we invite you to chat with us on our Discord server. This will give you the opportunity to get to know us and vice versa.

Feel free to contact myself on the Below:

Discord : Midge#5936
Battle Tag : Midge#21288

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