[H] <Sunfury> 1 Day Raiding Guild Looking for Members

To the good people of Ragnaros – EU – Horde,

Let me start by introducing us…

We are the guild Sunfury. A beginning 1 day a week raiding guild based on Ragnaros (EU) - Horde, founded by 2 players that have been playing and raiding since the early days of The Burning Crusade.

After some bouncing around guilds and servers, we found that it was not always easy to really establish a ‘home’. We struggled due to either time constraints or with some seriously toxic environments. No harsh feelings, if that’s your kind of thing, enjoy it! It’s just not for us.

We like to have a laugh and enjoy our game time, but we also want to be able to clear content at a reasonable rate. However, we do not always find the time to play. Because of this, we like to carefully plan what to do with our given gametime.

On the other hand has the game evolved to a point where it’s pretty much a requirement to do all the things in order to progress at a reasonable rate. That’s why we came up with the idea to start a guild that focuses on 1 day a week raiding, leaving the rest of the week free to do whatever you want.

In short, the main idea is:

  • Having fun

  • Enjoying game time

  • Raiding one day a week (Friday 20h00 – 23h30)

  • No obligations

  • Everyone is welcome and included

  • English speaking guild

What we are looking for

As we are a new guild, we will be looking at all roles for raiding as well as people who want to join as social or only for m+. If you’ve never raided or done much m+ before that’s perfectly fine, we all have to start somewhere. It’s a new expansion and it would be a great opportunity to learn the dungeons together.

The raiding plan is easy: Start each new raidtier on Normal difficulty and then build up to achievement Ahead of the Curve. We have had our days of hardcore raiding and while we still want to clear as much content as we can, we don’t want to do it at the expense of all our free time. This comes, however with some rules. In order not to waste that time we expect people to do their best, research the fights and their class and turn up prepared, on time and with consumables.

Because Mythic+ is a fun way to spend time in a smaller group. We hope to build a small M+ focused community as well. On this topic, we welcome people of all experience levels from complete newbies who have never done Mythic+ to high level key pushers.

What we offer

In a nutshell:

  • A guild with a friendly atmosphere.

  • A guild where everyone is welcome and appreciated.

  • ‘An in-game home’ where you do not have to be afraid to ask questions or help.

  • A guild that supports you in what you like to do. (Yes, even if it is taking long walks on the shores of eastern kingdoms)

  • We won’t tolerate toxic behaviour.

  • In case of raiding: We expect you to be on time, know the tactics and come with consumables.

Raid Schedule

Friday 20:00 -23:30 server time

There will be a break mid-way through the raid of 15 minutes.

Contact us!

If you’re interested or have any more questions, you can contact us here:

Rompetomp#8527 or Thoigur#6715

Rompetomp#2589 or Bumbumthum#2834

Sounds interesting, I’ll add you on the ol battle swag and maybe we can talk sometime :smiley:


Good news everyone: We’re filling up at a reasonable rate and will soon have a raid team together. We’re still looking for some healers, DPS and Hybrid Healing/DPS.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Hi all, hope you’re enjoying Shadowlands!

Our raid team could use a couple more DPS. We’d love to get a mage, but we’re open to pretty much anything.

People less interested in raiding are also very welcome to join.

Have a good one!

Hai everyone!

We hope you’re all enjoying your time playing the new expansion, we would like to inform all of you that we’re still looking for some ranged DPS and a healer with offspec in ranged dps for our raiding team.

The ideal classes would be druids/mages, but really anything ranged would do the trick. In case any of you are still in doubt, feel free to message me or shinealight in game or on our discord profiles linked above!

People who do not wish to raid but are still looking for a friendly and social environment to hang are still welcome aswell!

Thank you for reading this update and remember to run out of the fire!

what day u guys raiding? :slight_smile:

We raid once a week on Friday from 20:00 - 23:30 Server time.

im up, pm me if u want more info :slight_smile: adamhillbow#2302

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