Hey there,
I’m a veteran player who play WoW since WoTLK and I’ve been playing brew since MoP so I’ve quite a good knowledge about my class.
Actually, most of my season 1 score came from PUG and I achieved to reach 1200 score IO through it. I did some +13 at the end of the season.
I would like to find a fix team / guild to push more M+ this season and have some fun with people you actually learn to play with then being alone 
I’m mostly up from 20pm to 23pm (UK time) sometimes during the afternoon but that’s less sure and I’m up for 2-3 nights per week.
If you want to make contact with me and talk a bit more about that just add me on bnet with Kaiou#2577.
Hope to see you soon IG 
P.S : Sorry for my english, I’m not a native english speaker and come from Switzerland
Hello there, Chopstick
We’re a pretty laid back community that flexes around real life and other issues. Mostly made up of ex-hardcore raiders who got old, had children and work commitments etc, we aim (and succeed) to get Curve every raid since we returned for BFA (we were in legion too). A good relaxed feel, with plenty to do outside of raids and a good social core who like to hang out on voice comms too.
We are not specifically a M+ guild, as we are a raid guild, but we have plenty people ranging from 500-1.2k RIO looking for stable groups and pushing keys higher and higher. This is a part of the Guild we would really like to expand on and bring more M+ guys into the fold.
If interested, feel free to contact me either on Discord: Musty#6081 or Battlenet: Musty#21311. You’ll find the details here: [H] Apostles | Heroic Raiding | M+ | Social Community