[H] [Tarren Mill] Amicorum - Strong AotC Guild Expanding Our Ranks

Are you seeking a guild where camaraderie meets exceptional raiding prowess? Look no further than Amicorum! We are a dedicated raiding guild on the Terran Mill server, committed to conquering some of Azeroth’s challenges while fostering a supportive and enjoyable gaming environment.

Don’t feel like bashing your head into the wall of frustration that is mythic prog, or the carousel of recruitment hell? We have found the solution to actually enjoying your time in WoW. Get your raid gear (trinks and weps) from heroic, and get your competitive fix from pushing high M+ keys.

Here’s what makes us stand out:

-Raid Schedule: We understand the balance between dedication and real-life commitments. That’s why we raid 2 days a week, Wednesdays and Sundays, starting at 8PM server time.

-Main Goal: Our primary in game objective is to quickly achieve Ahead of the Curve every tier. Once accomplished, we continue raiding to farm specific gear pieces for our mains or alts, ensuring everyone in the guild remains well-equipped for future challenges.

-Experienced Core Team: At Amicorum, you’ll find a core group of seasoned raiders who have been battling together for years. Their expertise and cohesion form the backbone of our success.

-Laid-back Atmosphere: While we enjoy quick progression like everyone does, we maintain a laid-back raiding atmosphere. For our members WoW is first and foremost a video game that we play in our spare time to have fun. Expect laughter, camaraderie, and a supportive community as we tackle each boss encounter.

-Help Members Succeed: Raiding in WoW is a group activity, and as such we provide guidance to struggling players to improve their game so they can continue to attend our raids. We offer help in the form of links to class guides including talents, rotation/opener, stat weighs, and gear selection. UI management in the form of links to WA class packs, plater profiles, and keybind guides. Help using simulations that will give you a target DPS to hit, and guidance on how to use that information to practice on target dummies. Encounter specific guidance and advice in game.

-Mythic+ Focus: Raiding isn’t our only specialty! Many of our members are avid Mythic+ enthusiasts, constantly pushing for higher keys and honing their skills in challenging dungeons. We often form groups with guild members first if possible before pugging.

-Multi-gaming community: When farm is over, and the season is winding down, we often play other games together like: League of Legends, Minecraft, Palworld, and more.

Whether you’re a seasoned raider or looking to break into end-game content, Amicorum welcomes players of all skill levels.

To join us on our adventures or if you have any questions, whisper any of our officers in-game or on discord:

Bnet: Rocknrol#1931
Disc: looonski1

Bnet: AdvanSS#2904
Disc: advanss

See you on the battlefield, champions!