Hey there
We have achieved Curve all tiers in BFA and afew mythic bosses. We’re looking to do the same in shadowlands. We are punctual, attend most raids and enjoy striving to play the class as best we can. We push m+, arena and are quite active.
The Prefered classes to raid with are mist monk and holy pally, but have same experience with disc, resto druid and shaman. Which raid nights and times isn’t a issue with us.
Privileged is a newly formed semi-hardcore guild aiming to clear all mythic content in shadowlands and our goal is to be top 5 on outland. Raid times: Wed,Sun,Tues 19-22. Right now we’re in need of dpriest, rshammy, hpally and 1 more ranged dps. But all classes are considered. If you’re intrested add me on battle net! huffy#2665
Hello there, i would be interested in having further discussion with both of you regarding your LFG status, we have spots to offer in a good place. Add me on Bnet. Funzy#2733 or Discord Faithless#3960
Check us out and add me if it does seem interesting!
We have spots for heals… fyi