[H] [Tarren Mill] <Gambit> (8/11M) 2 day mythic team recruiting!

New best pull on Painsmith 16%

Still looking to add a healer and a few dps to the team. Strong preference towards players that have already done some progression on mythic Painsmith and can step right in and be part of the final push!!

Healer team sorted again, so we’re just looking to add a few more dps now. Highest priorities are warlock, boomkin, mage and havoc dh.

Having mythic Painsmith experience is considered a big plus and widens our class flexibility significantly!!

Best pull on Painsmith: 10%

Looking for a disc/holy priest to fill the last healing spot. Also considering a few dps - especially interested in boomkin, warlock and mage. Having mythic Painsmith experience is considered a big plus as we are in the final push to kill him now…

Best pull on Painsmith: 1% (400k)

Painsmith is about to go down and we are still looking to recruit a few more decidated and skilled players to push through more bosses, so hit up one of the officers for a chat :wink:

Could you be in need of a hunter maybe? Im looking for a mythic raiding guild

Mythic Painsmith down

Still recruiting a few more to consolidate roster. Particularly interested in disc/holy priest, boomkin, warlock and mage that are ready to push on as we extended to kill more bosses!!

7/10M now and progressing Fatescribe. Still looking for a few more. Particularly interested in disc/holy priest, boomkin, warlock, but willing to consider other classes showing strong logs and experience…

Best pull on Fatescribe 41% after first full night of progress on him.

Still keen to add an exceptional boomkin, disc/holy priest and warlock to the team. Willing to consider a few other classes as well, but no more demon hunters… :wink:

**Best pull on Fatescribe: 0.3% **

Fatescribe going down next raid. Still looking for a few more as mentioned in post above… :slight_smile:

Fatescribe down bringing us to 8/10M now and ready to face Kel’Thuzad!

Still looking to add an exceptional boomkin, warlock and disc priest to the team… :slight_smile:

Progressing on Kel’Thuzad now and looking for an additional mage, as one of our old mages has stopped playing. Also looking to add a strong boomkin, warlock and disc priest to the team as well for our push towards CE…

Had a couple of close calls on Kel’Thuzad so should be moving on to Sylvanas soon. Still looking for a few more strong dps, who understand that priority target damage is more important than padding meters on progression.

Considering all classes but would love to see a shadow priest and an enhancement shaman in the roster. An extra warlock and boomkin would also be great…

Kel’Thuzad down taking us to 9/10M

Still looking for a few more strongly skilled and chill raiders. We are missing a shadow priest and an enhancement shaman in roster but would also like an extra warlock and boomkin. Willing to consider others if we feel you would fit in with us though…

Updated recruitment as one of our healers have a baby arriving soon and therefore is about to step down from his spot.

Looking for a motivated healer (Mistweaver, Hpala, Rdruid, Rshaman) wanting to step straight into progression on mythic Sylvanas.

Still considering a few more dps as well to consolidate roster…

Still looking to fill last healer spot and add a couple of dps to the roster for mythic Sylvanas progression! Hit us up… :slight_smile:

Healing spot seem to be sorted, but still very keen on finding a warlock, boomkin and shadow priest for the team :slight_smile:

Raid team currently full but still open to socials who wanna hang out and be part of our community… :smiley:

“Journey” has become “Gambit” in order to mark our new focus on being more than just a raid team. We want to be a community for our members both those chasing Cutting Edge on the raid team and those participating in our community as socials.

We are still open to more socials that want a friendly community to hang out with and play both World of Warcraft and other games…

Still accepting socials into our community and willing to consider applications to the raid team from exceptional ranged dps (no more hunters though).

Recruitment for 9.2 is open! Particularly interested in ranged dps!!