[H] [Tarren Mill] <Gambit> (8/11M) 2 day mythic team recruiting!

Still recruiting exceptional ranged dps for Sepulcher of the First Ones!!

Still keen on seeing more exceptional ranged dps trial with us through HC clears and into mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones!! :grinning:

Currently gearing for mythic progression and still considering exceptional applicants, but only that as roster is packed :slight_smile:

10/11HC and farming tier to begin mythic progression.

Started Mythic progression tonight with 2 kills…

3/11M after tonigths Xy’mox kill.

4/11M with Dausegne down tonight! :slight_smile:

Main raid team is full but we still welcome socials to have fun in keys, alt/social raids etc.

Even with full team we will consider exceptional applicants but aim to minimize rotations on the team while we are mid progress…

6/11M now with Lihuvim down tonight and on to some fun with Halondrus…

Halondrus down taking us to 7/11M. The hard work on Anduin begins now… :slight_smile:

We are actively looking to add a few more to the team:

1 healer (Holy priest or MW monk prefered, not considering resto shaman)
1 enhancement shaman
2 ranged dps, all classes considered

Applicants should be ready to push through Anduin progression and beyond, as we have just done our last reclear for a while in order to commit our time to progressing the final four bosses of the tier!!

Applications can be filled in here: https://discord.gg/jgP3BVzG2d

Recruiting a group of friends sometimes backfires, I think all guilds have experienced it as friends come and go together, so we now find ourselves in a situation of having several open dps spots that we need to fill asap for Mythic Anduin progression and beyond…

Give us a shout on our discord if you have questions or find our application form here: https://discord.gg/jgP3BVzG2d

We are now mainly looking to add an Enhancement Shaman in the melee camp and a couple of hybrids in the ranged camp (Boomkin / Ele shaman / Shadow priest). With this we’re good to push Anduin progression and beyond :slight_smile:

As always exceptional applicants will be considered…

Anduin progression has begun and we are just looking for a couple of hybrid dps with healing offspecs and possibly one more ranged dps to join our ranks and push ahead with us!! :slight_smile:

Just looking for a shadow priest to fill the last slot in our roster at this time…

IRL caught up with one of our ranged dps forcing a break on him, so besides the open Shadow priest spot we also have a spot open for a Mage, Ele shaman or Balance druid. We are mid progress on Anduin but expect playtime on the following bosses.

Shadow priest spot filled, so just missing a Mage, Ele shaman or Balance druid to fill the last slot in our ranged team. Note that you shouldn’t expect raid time until after Anduin as we are far into the progression and try to stick with the comp that has done the most progression on him for efficiency…

Anduin down and moving on to Lords of Dread now. Still got a ranged spot open. :slight_smile:

LF Healers and Ranged dps for Fated Raids Mythic

Still LF holy paladin, Resto sham or MW monk and ww monk and enha sham.
Also ofc looking at exeptional players :slight_smile: