My name is Jarne, i live in Belgium and i am 27y old. I’ve been playing world of warcraft since end Wotlk but started raiding in cata. I took a break in raiding during MoP cus irl stuff… After that i’ve nearly made every curve achievement.
I dont concider myself as a hardcore raider, but i wouldent say am a casual either.
I have a busy life, and a kid. I need a guild who respects this, we all have a life outside of wow.
What i look for in a guild:
-players with the right mindset
-fun bunch of ppl who can have a laugh
-weekly Mythic + activities
-2 raid days ( raid times between 19-23 would be great).
What i can offer
-full commitment in whatever i do
-vocal, able to take criticism
-prepared for raids
-class knowledge
To finish of,
I will be playing as a warlock main, i recently leveld a new warlock on [H] tarren mill, currently gearing up to be ready for 9.2.
If you would love to get in touch with me, feel free to drop ur Btag in this post!
Thanks for reading!
Punished on Tarren Mill/Dentarg could be the right fit for you. We recently moved over from another realm to get a decent start with the upcoming patch and people are slowly moving over and finding their keybinds again 
All of our members have commitments and busy lives outside of the game, that’s the reason we don’t demand people to meet certain quotas to be able to raid with us. You sign up and raid when you can. Even with this approach we have managed to get AotC in most of the expansions (this present patch is the exception cause of various reasons).
We also value ourselves in being a guild/community which allows friends and raiders outside of the guild to be part of the team (we have several members who are from different servers and cannot transfer for various reasons).
It it all about enjoying the game, the people you play with on the character and in a role which you enjoy the most.
When the new raid goes live we will clear normal first to get used to mechanics and tactics and then proceed to heroic. We have no aim in going beyond AotC to venture into Mythic.
Our raid days are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time, which is one hour later than you would prefer, although leaving early has never been that big of an issue for us in most cases.
We mainly do m+ for fun, gear, weekly over the weekend when ever people are available and up for it.
PS Don’t be alarmed that the guild has so little members, the real roster with the people not yet moved and who are on other realms is bout 14 or so :).
If you feel that Punished could be your new home for upcoming 9.2 and beyond feel free to add me on discord and we can chat about things and your plans.
Discord username: Mari#6813
Hey there Jarne!
Ministry of Silly Wipes could be worth a look! We are on another realm, so may need to transfer, but if that’s an option for you, you’d be welcome to join us!
We raid Sat/Sun, from 20:00 ST onwards. Plenty of people in the guild with kids, or work funny hours, (or both!), and so we know people can’t make things every time. We do our best to help others catch up with things as much as we can =)
Please give the thread a look over, and if we sound right for you, feel free to add me to chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
BNet: Westie#2496
If you can during the day, then pop on over to check out our discord man. We raid Mythic but also do hc runs for socials, and m+ etc
I can vouch for Punished. Nice HC guild, with nice people.
How is Nuno/Jeroen?
Nuno’s not playing right now, he will be back for new expansion. Said that he can’t return now, still busy at work with not so much time for play.
Thanks for the reply!
For some reason my post went missing. I’ve been facing a problem with my custom water cooling loop… it should be fixed tomorrow… i’ll have a look tomorrow when i hop on.